Wheaton deserving of legendary Maine Guide honor

6 years ago

About 15 years ago, as I settled into a new job as an outdoor columnist, I received a phone call that helped smooth my way into a field that can be pretty intimidating for newcomers.

The man on the other end of the line was Lance Wheaton, owner of The Village Camps in Forest City. I’d never heard of him, or of The Village Camps, and I couldn’t find tiny Forest City on a map, but the man’s boisterous nature immediately put me at ease.

Wheaton had a simple proposal, as I recall. At times, he told me, I might find myself in need of a source who’d spent a lot of time in the Washington County woods, as well as in Augusta working on various outdoors issues. And if I ever decided I wanted to pick his brain, Lance said he’d be glad to talk.

That, as they say, was an offer I couldn’t refuse, and ever since I’ve felt free to call him from time to time to see what was happening in his neck of the woods.

For the record, I also learned where Forest City is: Just head east off Route 1 in Brookton, drive all the way to Canada, then back up a few yards.

The County is pleased to feature content from our sister company, Bangor Daily News. To read the rest of “Wheaton deserving of legendary Maine Guide honor,” an article by contributing Bangor Daily News staff writer John Holyoke, please follow this link to the BDN online.