Moody declines to release tax returns

Darren Fishell, Special to The County
6 years ago

Republican gubernatorial candidate Shawn Moody declined to release five years of federal and state tax returns, which his three challengers provided Friday at the request of the Bangor Daily News.

The records show a detailed picture of the candidates’ personal financial lives, including income of nearly $1 million earned by Independent candidate Alan Caron and his wife Kristina Egan, who cashed out personal investments to help fund Caron’s gubernatorial bid, according to a spokesman.

The couple’s income last year included $106,000 in wages and roughly $816,000 in capital gains. They paid roughly $190,000 in federal and state taxes last year, or about 20 percent of their income.

The forms show that Independent candidate Terry Hayes and her husband Stephen had federal adjusted gross income of roughly $90,000 last year, from Hayes’ job as state treasurer and her husband’s mental health therapy business. They paid about $15,000 in state and federal taxes, or 17 percent of their adjusted income.

Mills had about $114,000 of adjusted gross income in 2016, the latest year for which she submitted a complete filing. She paid about $26,400 in state and federal taxes that year, or 23 percent of her adjusted income.