Houlton Council of Catholic Women plan Bazaar

Alta Reardon, correspondent, Special to The County
5 years ago

The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met on Monday, March 11, in the Parish Center for their monthly meeting. There were nine members present, Deacon Al and one guest, Alfrieda Albert, a former member.

After our opening prayer, salute to the cross and flag, Vice President Janet Barker offered a blessing and a luncheon provided by the March committee was enjoyed by all.

After the luncheon, Barker conducted the business meeting, in the absence of the president.

The secretary’s report for February was read by Kathy Klein. Jane Mitchell, treasurer, gave her report.  Corresponding secretary Alta Reardon read several thank you notes and other correspondence. Historian Jane Stile reviewed articles from St. Patrick’s Bazaar from 1979, 1984, 1985 and 1986. In those days, the bazaar would run for three days.

Mitchell and Kathy Klein will be responsible for the cake walk, sponsored by HCCW, which will be held at the St. Patrick’s Bazaar on March 16. Our annual year end banquet was discussed. Members have ideas and more information will be presented at our April meeting.

We will, once again, hold our annual baby shower for the Pregnancy Care Center during the month of April. A cradle will be placed in the back of the church to collect donations if parishioners wish to participate.

Nomination of officers for 2019-2020 was discussed and we will be officially nominating members at our April meeting.  Voting will take place in May.

The door prize was won by Bonnie Reynolds. Birthdays and anniversaries were noted for March. Prayer intentions were gathered and we recited five Hail Mary’s. Our next meeting will be on April 1, at 5:30 p.m. in the Parish Center.  All Catholic ladies are invited to attend.