Summer is in sight

5 years ago

Green has exploded across the horizon. Finally the tulips, dandelions and rhubarb have come out of the ground. The temperature has warmed and the fish are biting. Mosquitoes and blackflies are beginning to have big sloppy grins on their faces as they watch the latest crop of arms and legs available for sampling. Let the munching begin.

By dawn’s early light, one farm after another loads the seed hoppers, fills the fertilizer tank and takes off sowing the next crops in brown fields of earth. Calves and colts have been born and the youngsters can be seen cavorting, as young are wont to do. Cuteness abounds. This is the time of baby carriages, papoose sacks and slings that carry the hope of new generations who will grow up to love and cherish the land.

Now the creatures of the byways and highways are canvassing the hills and lanes for new treasures. Just as the grass has exploded from the ground, so too has the yard sale sprouted from a sleeping field. Card tables, old coffee tables and spare lawn space will be taken up with oodles of noodles being scratched and kids being chased. Arising with the dawn, the scavengers gleefully chase down rumors of the yard sale of legend. Their goal: to find that one treasure that no one else has. To boldly debate the merits of a price, hither and dicker are commonly heard as deals are made and broken. By the end of the day, under straps, cords and trailers, a parade will unfold of junk and tatters , stretching as far as the eye can see.

Finally, summer is here.

Take a moment to give a thought for the young men and women who gave their hearts and blood to make the world a better place for all. These young men will not see another summer, yet they allow us the chance to chase a dream so that we can carry them to their own fields of mirth and glory.

Welcome the summer sun. Shed a tear for those who were dear and keep them close. It will be a great summer. Bug guts and beauty abound.

Orpheus Allison is a photojournalist living in The County who graduated from UMPI and earned a master of liberal arts degree from the University of North Carolina. He began his journalism career at WAGM television later working in many different areas of the US. After 20 years of television he changed careers and taught in China and Korea.