Houlton Town Council unanimously approves department heads

4 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The Houlton Town Council unanimously approved the re-appointment of all seven of the town’s department heads during Monday’s council meeting.


Each year, at the first regular meeting in January, Houlton councilors customarily approve the town’s police and fire chiefs, recreation, airport, community development, emergency management and public works directors, code enforcement officer and cemetery superintendent.

The department heads’ approval was a far cry from last year’s meeting where the board was split on re-appointing the town’s police chief before ultimately agreeing to his nomination.

Houlton Town Manager Marian Anderson had high praise for her department heads during the meeting, saying the town had lots to be proud of with its employees.

Marie Carmichael was confirmed as the town’s recreation director. 

“It’s been a real pleasure to work with Marie and her team learning about all of the programs they offer and I look forward to this next year,” Anderson said.

Milton Cone was renamed as the town’s fire chief, ambulance director and cemetery superintendent. 

“I have learned a lot working with Milton and who our EMS service works,” Anderson said. “You folks have an amazing team up there [at the fire department] and Milton does a great job managing all those hats.”

Tim DeLuca was reappointed as the town’s police chief and garnered glowing support from the town manager. 

“Tim has a very challenging job and this past year has been exceptionally challenging with short staffs,” Anderson said. “And yet, he managed to come in under budget. I look forward to another year and thank you Tim.” 

Chris Stewart was reappointed as the town’s public works director and airport manager, Nancy Ketch was renamed as community development director, Kevin Tingley was reappointed as the town’s code enforcement officer, and Anderson was named as the town’s emergency management director.

“I would like to take a second and say how much I appreciate all of the town employees,” councilor Chris Robinson said. “Thank you and keep doing the great job you are doing.”