
18 years ago

To the editor:
I have noticed over the years and the many presidential administrations I have lived through that we sure spend a lot of money rebuilding other countries or propping up leaders like in South Vietnam and other places. Yet we never have enough to take care of our people, to make sure they have shelter, warmth, food, or even job re-training for those displaced by the outsourcing of jobs to other counties in Central and Southeast Asia and China. It seems that everything from tech to making cars are overseas, yes there are a few token factories here in the United States of America.
   The Bush Administration has tried to cut taxes and use names like tax relief. The fact is when President William Jefferson Clinton left office; he had left a surplus of $200 billion, which the new administration flushed with the flick of a pen. This man bought himself re-election by giving to the rich and taking from the poor.
When I was growing up in the 1970s we had institutions that took care of the mentally ill and those unable to take care of themselves. Today five of every 10 homeless people are mentally ill and have no access to medications, to shelter and food; seven of 10 of them are children and the rest elderly.
Let’s look at some other people whom we should be caring for — the elderly homeowners who are in danger of losing them to taxes. I am sure you know that those who live in the Northern States have to choose between heating and food and their medications to live.  Senior citizens, the disabled and poor who, if they’re lucky, made from $1,100 to $25,000 a year should be considered taxes exempt; which mean no taxes on the Social Security income whatsoever and also no taxes on their home if they are below the income ceiling.
I further suggest that government tank farms be set up in every state north of the Mason-Dixon Line and designated as Low-Income Heating Assistance facilities. I also suggest supply depots north and south of the Mason-Dixon Line to provide food during a disaster and supply to food pantries for the poor and low income.
All these suggestion can be done if we’re willing to try.

Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)