HOULTON, Maine — The Ricker College Board of Trustees held its annual meeting at the Courtyard Café on Oct. 26.
The Board elected the following officers for the year 2008: Dana Wright, Chairman; Gary Stairs, Vice-chairman; Woodrow Dunphy, Treasurer, and Elizabeth Stone, Secretary. Chairman Wright appointed Jay Clark and Lanny Putnam to complete the membership of the Executive Committee.
Trustees re-elected for three-year terms were Otis Smith, Dana Wright and Woodrow Dunphy. Gary Bossie will continue serving as Executive Director.
Chairman Wright thanked Donna Baietti for her 12 years of service on the Board. Elected to replace Baietti was Bud Anderson who attended both Ricker Classical Institute and Ricker College.
Director Bossie reported on numerous matters. He stated that Ricker Scholarship now has a website. Information about the foundation can be found online at Rickerscholarship.com. This will be a helpful tool for anyone who needs information about the scholarship. One of the most important bits of information found there is MFQ: Most Frequently Asked Questions. This should be most helpful to those who already have a scholarship. Applications may also be downloaded from this site.
He went on to say that the majority of the 215 Ricker Scholarship recipients are attending University of Maine system schools, with several others in each class attending UNE and Husson. Bates, Bowdoin and Colby are also represented by each class. All recipients currently in college will receive $1,500 scholarships in January or February bringing the total amount given since 1985 to over 2.8 million dollars. Bossie also stated that applications for the class of 2012 will be available to seniors at their high school guidance offices in January.
Persons interested in learning more about Ricker Scholarship Funds should check online at rickerscholarship.com, or contact any Aroostook County high school guidance office.