To the editor:
I get the Star-Herald in Florida but I think my heart is still in “The County.” The letter to the editor in Nov. 14th’s paper on the 1930 Census was especially interesting. Someone took a lot of time to do this and I wonder if anyone has the figures and time to do a more recent survey?
To come back home every summer, I notice a lot of things that have changed. And some things will always be the same.
Back in the 1930s and ‘40s, life and success was measured in acreage, farm equipment and livestock. That in itself was a status symbol.
Today’s generation has cars, cell phones, computers, Blackberries and we still don’t have enough time. Sometimes we realize how good the “olden days” were.
P.S. I think the wind farm is a good thing.
Bradenton, Fla.