Memorial books and materials presented during October, November and December, 2007 at the Caribou Public Library include:
In Memory of Daniel B. Andretta: “A Dog Needs a Bone!” by Audrey Wood; “An Orange in January” by Dianna Aston, presented by Sam and Lise Collins and family. In Memory of Fernand Louis Beaupre: “The Stained Glass Home: Projects & Patterns” by George Shannon, presented by Felch & Company, LLC.
In Memory of James L. Bouchard: “The War: An Intimate History, 1941-1945” by Geoffrey C. Ward and Ken Burns, presented by Sam and Lise Collins and family.
In Memory of Patricia Ann Bouchard: “Knit 2 Together: Patterns and Stories for Serious Knitting Fun” by Tracey Ullman, presented by American Legion Auxilliary Unit 15.
In Memory of Donald Brown: “Farming with Nature: The Science & Practice of Ecoagriculture” by Sara Scherr, presented by Paul and Joan Theriault.
In Memory of Donald E. Carson, Sr.: “Garage Sale and Flea Market Annual” by Collectors Books and “Garage Sale America” by Bruce Littlefield, presented by Sam and Lise Collins and family.
In Memory of Hugh M. Hamlin: “Small Business Start-up Kit” by Peri Pakroo, presented by Caribou High School Class of 1965; and “Essential Guide to Motorcycle Travel” by Dale Coyner, presented by Conrad and Roberta Walton.
In Memory of Gwen Haley Harmon: “The Dangerous Book for Boys” by Hal Iggulden, presented by Aroostook Retired Educators Association; “Baby Bear’s Big Dreams” by Jane Yolen, “Green as a Bean” by Karla Kuskin, “Gifts for Kids to Make” by Cheryl Owen, “The Apple Doll” by Elisa Kleven, “Beetle bop” by Denise Fleming, and “How Do Dinosaurs Go to School?” by Jane Yolen, presented by Burnham and Madonna Haley.
In Memory of John A. Lancaster II: “Teach Yourself Visually Bass Guitar” by Ryan Williams, presented by Caribou Lions Club.
In Memory of Mark David LeBlanc: “Harley Davidson Sportster” by Allan Girdler, presented by Sam and Lise Collins and family.
In Memory of Deputy Sheriff Matthew Long: “Atlas of the World” by Keith Lye, “Child Atlas of the U. S.”, and “National Geographic U. S. Atlas of Young Explorers”, presented by Elizabeth Care Long and Elle Berube.
In Memory of Gautrey J. Musk: “Ham Radio’s Technical Culture” by Kristen Haring, presented by Caribou High School Class of 1953.
In Memory of Alyce Ramisch: “Fall Scaping: Extending Your Garden Season Into Autumn” by Nancy J. Ondra, presented by American Legion Auxiliary Unit 15.
In Memory of Daryl V. Raymond, Sr.: “100 Years of Semi Trucks” by Ronald Adams, presented by Sam and Lise Collins and family.
In Memory of Alfred J. Sirois: “Cribbage Boards 1863-1998” by Bette Bemis, presented by Bill and Mary Lee Anderson; “Guess How Much I Love You” by Sam McBratney, presented by Mark and Christina (Anderson) Kelleher; and “Great Group Games” by Susan Ragsdale and “Entertain Your Brain: More than 850 Puzzles!” by Ella Harris, presented by Paul and Joan Theriault.
In Memory of Richard Nelson Solman: “The Aviation Book: A Survey of the World’s Aircraft” by Fia O Caoimh, presented by Sam and Lise Collins and family; “Golf Courses of the World” by Robert Sidorsky, presented by Jeffrey and Glenda Currier; “Exploring Wine: Complete Guide to Wines of the World” by Steven Kolpan, presented by Ronald & Louise Cyr; “Flight: 100 Years of Aviation” by Jonathan Metcalf, presented by Felch & Company, LLC.; “National Geographic Journeys of a Lifetime: 500 of the World’s Greatest Trips”, presented by Bob & Thelma Mockler; “Paintings in Maine: A New Collection Selected by Carl” by Arnold Skolnick, presented by Anne Newell, Larry and Lina Newell and Elizabeth Maifield; “Vintage Aircraft Over America” by Geoffrey P. Jones, presented by Pat’s Automotive Center; and “Golf: The Best Instruction Book Ever!” by Editors Golf Magazine, presented by Conrad and Roberta Walton.
In Memory of Bertile Walker: “Camps and Cottages” by Molly Hyde English, presented by American Legion Auxiliary Unit 15.
In Memory of Pauline G. Warner: “Creative Scraps: Quilting with Bits & Pieces” by Jeanne Stauffer, presented by Julia Deveau.
In Memory of Dale F. Weatherhead; “Teach Your Horse Perfect Manners” by Kelly Marks, presented by Lions Club.
In Honor of Doris Sleeper: “Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Foods” by Jessica Seinfeld, presented by Jeanne Sleeper.
Donated by American Legion Auxiliary Unit 15: “Andersen’s Fairy Tales retold by Friederun Reichenstetter” and “American Girls Holiday Treasury.”
Donations presented to the Memorial Fund during the October, November and December, 2007 included:
In Memory of Ella Marie Blackstone Archibald, presented by Mary Lou Brown.