LCS talks facilities

17 years ago
By Andrew Dyer
Staff Writer

    The Limestone Community School Committee met on Monday, Jan. 14 to receive an update on school facilities as well as to discuss a contract proposal with McCormick Consulting, a company which aids schools in facilities management, staying up to date while on a budget. The committee also reviewed the mid-year financial statement for the school.     The committee considered entering a contract with McCormick Consulting. Superintendent Franklin McElwain has had a number of meetings, and conversations with Mike McCormick of McCormick Consulting and has been impressed by the firm’s ability to aid schools in properly managing their facilities, while keeping costs down.
    Some concern was expressed initially about possible costs for facilities management. However the committee was insured by McElwain that any expenditures would have to be approved by the committee.
    Through a motion by Brad Nadeau, seconded by George Obar the committee unanimously approved entering a contract with McCormick Consulting.
    The committee was addressed by Randy Mulherin, who updated them on current facilities issues at the school.
    “The first thing I’d like to do is say thank you for contracting with Mike McCormick, because I think that’s going to be a great guide for us. I know when he’s here and we’re actually walking through the building, there’s a lot of ideas I have that I can bounce off of him, and he can tell me whether it’s a good idea or a bad idea,” said Mulherin.
    Mulherin informed the committee that there are currently three major projects under way, which include roof repair, carpet removal, and boiler replacement.
    According to Mulherin the roof simply needs to be resealed in a few places, to stop minor leaking. Mulherin also expressed his wish to remove all of the carpet in the building, for which a contractor has already been lined up. Mulherin also informed the committee that associates from Honeywell had been working on pricing boiler system improvements at the school. Mulherin is still awaiting figures from Honeywell.
    Mulherin also mentioned the difficulty of getting local contractors to come to the school to complete any of the projects he listed. According to Mulherin, he had contractors lined up for three different projects who simply never showed up, and never had time to complete projects.
    “I’ve tried to keep it as local as possible, because we want to keep the money in town, if we can,” said Mulherin.
    “You’ve tried to stay local, and use people that we know, and if they come great, but if not, let’s move on,” said Michelle Albert, committee chair.
    The committee also received the mid year financial report from McElwain, who went over each line item in the budget.
    “No lines are overspent, all are on track at midyear. The only news I see there right now is good news,” said McElwain.
    The mid year financial statement will be presented to the public once again in the Limestone Community School cafeteria on Jan. 29 at 7 p.m.