Sports Briefs

17 years ago
Sportsman’s supper slated

    A Christian Sportsman’s Fellowship supper of turkey and wild game tasting will be held at 6 p.m. on February 23 at the Military Street Baptist Church.
    There will be special guests and door prizes. Advance tickets are $5 and at the door the night of the supper, they will be $7. Tickets are available at Mac’s Trading Post or by calling Blaine Nickerson, 532-3903; Chris Marley, 532-7069; Edwin Ellis, 538-9849 or by calling the church office at 532-9458.

Reception for cheerleaders set

    A reception to honor the Class C Eastern Maine champion Houlton High School cheerleaders will be held at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 14 at the high school cafeteria.

Poker Run set

    The Molunkus Valley Sno-Drifters, Inc. are holding a Poker Run on Saturday, Feb. 23. Registration is from 9-11 a.m. All hands must be back in by 3:30 p.m. and a person must be present to win.
    A public supper will be held at 4:30 p.m., following the Poker Run. The meal consists of chili/chicken stew, roll, drink and dessert. Cost is $5. Proceeds to help with gas for the groomer to upkeep trails and heat for the clubhouse.
    For more information, call Deb at 267-1200 or Sandra at 365-4315.    

Ski Day to be held

    The Caribou Parks and Recreation Department will  host their 23rd annual Henry Anderson Ski Day on Sunday, Feb. 24 at the Caribou Ski Trails.
    Registration is at 11 a.m. at the ski trails located off Route 161, approximately three miles north of Caribou, near the Caribou Country Club.
    The 4.8 mile race is diagonal stride (classical) only. A junior obstacle challenge for ages 5-13 will start at 12 p.m., with the Henry Anderson race beginning at 1:30 p.m.
    Cost is $8 for adults and $2 for students. There is no fee for the junior obstacle challenge.
    Awards will be presented to the overall male and female finishers, as well as first an second place male and female in each age division. Ribbons will be awarded to all participants in the junior challenge.
    For more information, call the Caribou Parks and Recreation Department at 493-4224.