Cell phone tower topic of Washburn Council session

17 years ago

Town Council notes
Members of the Washburn Town Council met on Monday, Feb. 11, at 7 p.m. at the Civic Center for the regular meeting. The Council heard from Chris Ciolfi, chief development officer of Mariner Tower Company.

After completion of the Washburn cell phone tower, the Mariner Company wishes to submit a proposal to the town of Washburn to purchase and lease the property for either monthly rental fees or revenue sharing. They will also reimburse the town for the costs already incurred, and they will assume liabilities and insurance involved with the tower as well as day-to-day maintenance of the tower and its properties. They will also assume the job of billings and bookkeeping.
Acceptance of this proposal will save the town of Washburn both money and manpower. The Council will be taking the proposal under advisement.
The Council also approved the minutes from the January Council meeting and reviewed the financial figures through Jan. 31. It was noted that even with the high fuel and electricity costs, all departments still came in with a reasonable budget for the coming year. It was also noted that the Water and Sewer District is no longer a department of the town of Washburn.
The Council set a date for a public hearing concerning a Town Charter Amendment. The hearing date has been scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 20, at 7 p.m. at the Civic Center.
Also included in the Council meeting was the setting of a 10 percent annual interest rate for unpaid taxes. The Council also signed off on the release of a municipal deed.
The Council went into executive session to discuss legal and personnel matters.

Washburn municipal news
The Budget Committee met on Thursday, Feb. 14, at the Washburn Civic Center to vote on the proposed 2008 Budget for the town of Washburn. The Budget Committee is formed of Washburn residents who voted to accept the proposed budget which will be voted on at the annual Town Meeting.
The budgets for the seven municipal departments were passed. It was noted that requests from outside agencies will be provided for in this budget year.
The 2008 Budget Committee members included: Andrea Powers, Jeff Wark, Keith Brown, Mike Umphrey, Harold Easler, Christie Cochran, Daren Churchill, Adam Doody, Wayne Churchill, Linda Bourgoine and Kathy Corey. Also attending were Parks and Recreation Director Marcie Barbarula, Washburn Police Chief Doug Conroy and Washburn Town Clerk Bev Turner.
The municipal elections will be held on Monday, Mar. 17. at the Civic Center with the polls being open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. The annual Town Meeting will be held at the high school on Tuesday, Mar. 18, at 7 p.m. Town reports will be available at area businesses and the Town Office during the week prior to the Town Meeting.

Those celebrating birthdays this week include: Ryan Dobson, Evelyn Woodman, Nicholas Viola, Jonathan Durost, Casey Dobson, Lynn Dickinson, Rodney Wardwell, Michelle Creasey, Jared Dobson, Jessica Burchett, Bobbi Jo Plummer, Carla Pendexter, James Lavway, Mackensie Harpine, Chris Willett, Connie Markham, Robin Holmes, Lorri Jackson, Mark Bragg, Don Babin, Jim Wilson, Haley Howlett, Mark Doody, George Haley, Shannon Olson and Ron Powell.
Special anniversary wishes go out to: Wayne and Barb Churchill.

Town-wide events/reminders
The Trailrunners Snowmobile clubhouse schedule is: On Fridays, the kitchen will be open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. with a light lunch including burgers and hotdogs and Stew Night features a variety of great homemade soups and stews served starting at 4 p.m. On Saturdays, the kitchen is open from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. serving breakfast and lunch. On Sundays, the clubhouse will be serving breakfast and lunch from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Trailrunners also hold weekly Bingo games clubhouse each Tuesday starting at 7 p.m.
TOPS will be meeting each Monday at the Washburn Trailrunners clubhouse, starting with weigh-in at 4:15 p.m. and the meeting from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. For further information, contact Birdena Cochran at 455-8353.
Friendly Co-op orders will be taken through Friday, Feb. 22, no later than Friday evening. You may phone your order in at 455-8421 or e-mail Brenda at bunny@ainop.com. Delivery date is set for Friday, Feb. 29, and orders now need to be paid for at the time of delivery per request of the Co-op Company. The amount can also be mailed to Friendly Co-op, 129 Haynes Road, Wade, MEĀ  04786-4124.

Perham notes
The Perham Planning Board and Grant Writing Committee has been working of several community projects, and are in the planning stages of putting together the first ever Perham Snowshoe Spectacular. This event will be held on Saturday, March 8, and will showcase the beautiful Salmon Lake area. There will be further information in the Feb. 27 news. The Planning Board would like to have additional volunteers from the Perham area to assist in setting up as well as on the day of the event.
Anyone wishing to lend a hand for this event is asked to contact Debra Viola at 498-3433 or the Town Office at 455-5887 or any member of this joint committee.
The next scheduled meeting of the Perham Selectmen will be held at the Perham Town Office on Monday, Feb. 18, at 6:30 p.m.
The Perham Town Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Town Administrator Michele McLaughlin can be reached at 455-5887 during regular hours.

Washburn Rec Center events
On Wednesday, Feb. 20, there will be snow tubing a Big Rock from 8:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. The cost is $10 and the event is for grades 4-8 students and is limited to the first 14 who sign up.
On Thursday, Feb. 21, there will be Hot Shot Regional Competition held at Caribou High School starting at 9 a.m.
On Friday, Feb. 22, there will be rollerskating at the Melody Roller Rink in Caribou from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. This event is open to grades K-8. The cost is $3 and an extra $2 to rent rollerblades.
On Monday, Feb. 25 and Wednesday, Feb. 27, there will be cross country skiing from 2:45 to 4:15 p.m.
On Monday, Feb. 25, menā€™s basketball will also be held at the elementary school gym from 6:30 to 9 p.m.
On Tuesday, Feb. 26 and Thursday, Feb. 28, there will be indoor soccer at the elementary school. Grades K-2 play from 5:30 to 6:15 and grades 3 to 4 plays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
On Friday, Feb. 29, There will be a movie at the Rec Center for grades K-4 from 2:45 to 4:30 p.m.

Special snowmobile event
Lots of people from all over Aroostook County were kept busy planning for the recent visit from Andy Santerre and Jeffrey Earnhardt. The event helped raise money for AMHC to provide rape crisis and support services to the victims of sexual assault in Aroostook County.
The Washburn Trailrunner Snowmobile Club was a large part of this effort. Washburn can be very proud of this dedicated group of men and women.
Approximately 45 miles of trail are the responsibility of the Washburn Trailrunners. The club drags areas including the Carson, Blackstone, Portage and Crouseville trails. This is done by the efforts of many, with Cat drivers being Trailmaster Dave Moreau, Assistant Trailmaster Carroll Sperrey, Allen Carter, Billy Pike, Rod Sperrey, Greg Sperrey, Fred Flewelling and Dan Bridgham.
Caribou assisted for this event by dragging the trail from Caribou to the Washburn clubhouse. Carroll Sperrey followed the 100 plus riders to Crouseville, and drug the trail back to the clubhouse, making for a good trail for their return run after lunch in Presque Isle.
The group of riders made their ā€˜pit stopā€™ in Washburn and took this time to line up their sleds for the run to Presque Isle. Some came in for water and checked out the clubhouse. Santerre and Earnhardt enjoyed a brief ā€˜tourā€™ of Washburnā€™s drag, known locally as the Cat. The machine even has its own parking area in the building with a sign on the entry door stating itā€™s the ā€˜Cat House.ā€™
The large group of riders made their way through the Washburn trail system and made their enjoyment known by lots of hand waving along the route and being more than willing to pose for many pictures.

Project Graduation 2008
The Class of 2008 is having an ongoing bottle drive and asks that anyone wishing to donate to this Project Graduation fund-raising event drop off their bottles at the Presque Isle Redemption Center or have any senior class member pick them up.
Keep your calendars marked for Saturday, March 8, at 6 p.m. The Project Graduation team will be holding a fun variety show with many different talented locals, including musicians, vocalists, dancers and baton twirlers. Efforts are being made to get some bands and maybe even a special demonstration of ballroom dancing. They also hope to include other acts involving dance, comedy and any other talents that may be out there, so donā€™t be shy. For further information, contact the Project Graduation Committee through the high school. There will also be snacks available throughout the evening, with all proceeds going towards Project Graduation.

Library bookmarks
There will be a meeting of the Wade Natural Resource Committee at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 20, at the library.
The members of the Women, Work and Community group will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 20, from 9 to 11 a.m. There will be a discussion on how to be satisfied with yourself and what you have. Anyone interested in joining the group is urged to attend, or phone librarian Kathy Corey at 455-4814 for further information.
On Monday, Feb. 25, the Middle School Book Group will be reading and discussing ā€œDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeā€ at the library starting at 5 p.m.
Five generations
There has been new addition to the family of Sean and Damore (Viola) Jenson of Charlestown, Mass. A grandson, Declan Jude Jenson, arrived on Thursday, Jan. 24, weighing in at 7 pounds 4 ounces and was 20 inches long. His big brother, Malachy Augustine, nearly two years old, is enjoying his new brother.
Declan has a large extended family including grandparents Glenn and Debra Viola and David and Pat Jensen. His great grandmothers are Pamela Quirolo of Perham and Patricia Gagan and Katherine Rivera of New York state.

Ā Ā Ā  Christie Cochran is the correspondent for Washburn, Wade and Perham. She can be reached at 455-8034 or gramchristie@yahoo.com.Ā