Health incentive group formed

17 years ago

    The F.A. Peabody Company has announced its plan to promote healthy lifestyles for employees in 2008.  FAPCO’s Health Incentive Committee announced a contest where teams will compete in a weight loss challenge similar to the TV show, “Biggest Loser.” This committee organizes all of the efforts to keep employees healthy and come up with ideas and incentives to keep employees involved.
ImageHEALTHY EMPLOYEES — F.A. Peabody Co. has formed a Health Incentive Committee to promote healthy living among employees. Members, from left, include: Chelsea Wilson, Julie Folsom, Dee Henderson, Lisa Hutchinson, Darlene Longstaff, Christopher Anderson. Absent from photo were Sarah Quirk and Gregg Swallow.
    The new program began on Feb. 15 and will run a total of 14 weeks with over half of the total employees joining the competition.  
    “The participation has been exceptional,” stated Chelsea Wilson, health committee coordinator.  “We are excited about the program and believe this type of competition among the staff will encourage them to live healthier lifestyles.”
    The 14-week program will track the weight loss of the employees and will calculate the percentage of weight loss based on teams of three. At the end, one team and one individual will be named Biggest Losers and awarded a prize. As of the first weigh-in, all participating employees had lost a total of 89 pounds.