Charles Varnum and two daughters Averill and Avis started Wednesday morning for Fairfield where they will visit relatives until April.
Freeman Bishop, formerly in the employ of Shaw and Mitton, but who is now running a livery stable in Stockholm spent Sunday in Caribou.
Mark Emery is confined to the house with an attack of the mumps this week.
The Caribou High School basketball team will play a game with the Presque Isle team at the skating rink in Presque Isle on Friday night of this week.
A crow was seen in the village last week. It looked kind of like spring.
Elbridge Giggey and John Farley returned last week from Masardis where they had been making railroad ties.
Tigo Chevlot and John Wright spent Sunday evening with Sidney Wright and family the former bringing his phonograph with him.
The crew that has been lumbering for George Greenlaw has broken camp.
75 years ago: March 9, 1933
The Aroostook Trust Company and the Caribou National Bank closed their doors in common with all the other banks of the nation by order of President Roosevelt, pending the readjustment of banking legislation by Congress that is expected to place the financial condition of the nation in a much more stable position.
Joe Freme and Burnham Peterson skiied to Fort Fairfield Friday to attend the game which was held in the Fort Fairfield gymnasium between the Caribou and Fort Fairfield teams. They stayed with friends that night and returned on their skis the next morning.
Skip Tibert, who has been spending the winter in a camp near Patten and visiting downstate, returned to Caribou last week and is busy getting his plane in readiness for the coming season at the hangar of the municipal airport.
A bountiful dinner was served to more than 50 at the Farm Bureau meeting held at the Grange Hall. The women had the pleasure of meeting Miss Dakin, Home Demonstration Agent, for the first time, and enjoyed her talk on problems facing the housewife at the present time. Mr. Beverly discussed many things of interest to the farmers and much valuable information was given out concerning gardens.
A masquerade dance was held on the ice in the Bachelor’s Arena Tuesday evening. A large crowd attended.
The number of automobiles operating around town has decreased noticeably since March 1. This is due to the need for new plates as well as the thaw which has left the roads nearly impassable.
50 years ago: March 6, 1958
Thousands thronged the Caribou Town Square on Sunday to pay tribute to the Caribou Vikings, boys varsity basketball team, who returned victorious from the Eastern Maine Tournament.
Miss Judith Anderson was crowned Queen of the 1958 Winter Carnival in Stockholm, in ceremonies held before a capacity audience in the American Legion Hall on Thursday evening. Anderson received her crown from the 1957 Queen Miss Joyce Forsman.
A total of $2,100 in cash and checks was stolen from the Bearce Carter Co. safe after thieves jimmied it open from the bottom sometime last Wednesday night.
New Sweden’s winter carnival royalty, Queen Myrna Pearson and King Ronnie Dischinger, made their second public appearance last Thursday when they reigned at the local outstanding sports event of the year, the school’s winter carnival.
The fourth, fifth and sixth grade dance classes of Sigman and Robinette held a party in Odd Fellows Hall last Saturday from 4-6 p.m. Over 125 students and guests were in attendance.
The office staff of Bearce-Carter Oil Company joined in a tenth anniversary celebration for the company. Office staff taking part in the event included: Lloyd A. Grant, Mrs. Vance E. (Clarice) Madore and Mrs. Harold (Phyllis) Jacques.
25 years ago: March 9, 1983
Master mime Tony Montanaro presented a lecture demonstration last Wednesday, March 2, at the Caribou Intermediate School. During his lecture Montanaro involved students Sherrie Fields, Matt Duprey and Pam Troope in a portion of his comical routines.
Reg Albert, postmaster of Caribou, announced on Tuesday that Caribou has been designated as an Express Mail Acceptance Point. This designation by the U.S. Postal Service adds Caribou to the growing network of cities connected by Express Mail throughout the country.
Temperance Day was held at Damon Elementary School on Thursday afternoon. As part of the celebration student council members asked a special panel several questions increasing their knowledge of alcohol and its effects.
The Washburn Teacher’s Association reopened teacher contract negotiations with the MSAD 45 Board of Directors as they showed up in full force, 38 strong to the board meeting with picket signs and questions for the board.
Members of the Clover Power 4-H Club and their families met Feb. 18 at Gustaf Adolph Lutheran Church in New Sweden for a box social and potluck dinner. John McCormack auctioned off the unusually decorated box lunches while 4-H members impatiently awaited their chance to examine their purchase.