Staff Writer
STACYVILLE — Funds supporting a planning grant will be up for voter approval at Stacyville’s March 17 town meeting.
Town Agent Dixie Sides said voters will be asked if they wish to appropriate $2,500 for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) planning grant.
“This is a planning grant to see if it would be feasible for the town of Stacyville to have senior citizen housing,” explained Sides.
The town’s $2,500 would be spent only if the town is successful in obtaining the planning grant, she added.
If the grant application is approved, its funds would be used to explore the possibilities of building an 8- to 12-unit, low-income senior citizen housing complex in Stacyville. Jeff Packard of the Upper Valley Economic Council is working as grant writer.
Also on the warrant is a municipal budget of $155,669. This total is down from 2007; Sides said the town has reduced overall expenditures with tree growth reimbursement.
At the ballot box, voters will toss in their vote for three town offices: one 3-year term on the Board of Selectmen, one 2-year term on the SAD 25 board and one 3-year term on the school board.
Julie Johnston, David Pratt and incumbent Leon Robinson are pursuing the Board of Selectmen seat. Constance Theriault is running for a 3-year term on the school board; she currently holds that seat after being appointed to fill a vacancy left by the resignation of John Charette. Andrea Patterson is running for a 2-year school board term. This seat was previously filled by Bonnie Lovett; Lovett had been appointed to fill a vacancy left by the resignation of Jessica Bouchard.
On Monday, March 17, voting will be held at the Stacyville town office from noon to 6 p.m. and the town meeting will convene at the VFW Hall in Stacyville at 7 p.m.