HODGDON — Jeannie Brett, illustrator of children’s literature including “L is for Lobster,” “A Maine Alphabet,” “Fishing for Numbers,” “A Maine Number,” “P is for Passport,” “A World Alphabet,” “M is for Mayflower,” “A Massachusetts Alphabet,” and “One if by Land, A Massachusetts Number Book,” recently spent the day with kindergarten through grade two students at Mill Pond School.

HELPING — Kindergarten students from Mill Pond School help illustrator Jeannie Brett highlight the process of illustrating a book. Brett said first she reads the manuscript and she spends a lot of time thinking of ideas. Next, she creates several thumbnail sketches to see how her ideas look on the page. When she thinks she has the illustration she will use, she creates a book dummy. Then, she will create a final painting of each illustration that will be in the book. Finally the book is sent to the publisher for printing. Pictured here, from left, are: students Dameon Sanders, Payden McGuire, Ben Carmichael, Natasha Heath, Isaac Jurson, and Hunter Tapley help show the steps in the process.
Brett has lived in Maine for 30 years, and has a passion for animals and the outdoors. Her excitement for illustrating was evident as she shared with students the process of illustrating a book from start to finish, beginning with reading the manuscript and ending with checking the prototype of the book before it goes to print. She shared many interesting visuals including a book dummy, original paintings, reference materials, thumbnail sketches and more, inspiring students to create their own alphabet books or illustrate their own stories.
For more information, visit www.jeanniebrett.com.
Photo courtesy of Houlton Southside School
SPECIAL VISITOR — The 21st Century After School Program recently sponsored an evening program with illustrator Jeannie Brett. Pictured here with Brett are sisters Haven and Sierra Rhoda. Brett also spent two days at Houlton Southside giving several presentations about the drawing and publication process.