Kindness in the County

17 years ago

To the editor:
    Myself and Alice Beaulieu held a benefit supper and auction on March 9th for Dave Parady and his wife Janette. Dave was diagnosed with throat cancer and had to go to Boston to have his voice box removed.
    I just want to say Aroostook County has amazingly generous people here. I would dare say out of around 50 different businesses that I contacted, only three said ‘no’ they could not contribute to the auction! And we ended up with over 130 items to put out to bid.
    That to me says a lot. We do have caring, giving people in this area. I realize a lot of businesses get asked so many times for donations, but we figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask (and it didn’t hurt us to get told ‘no’) We especially appreciated the ones that said ‘yes’ and gave!
    So with grateful hearts, we thank all whom gave to support the Parady family in their time of need. We are thankful to and appreciate all that contributed! Also, we thank our families and friends that helped with whatever part of the benefit — you were greatly appreciated and we’re thankful for all your help with food, donations from set up to clean up! Thank you all.
    We raised approximately $4,000 for Dave and Janette that evening thanks to all of you! Dave came home and is doing quit well after being in Boston around three weeks. He will be going to Presque Isle for possible radiation and chemo soon. Continued prayers and support are very much appreciated! Once again, from Presque Isle to Millinocket, we appreciated all your donations and support for this event!
Ruth Frazier family
Alice Beaulier