Food pantry plans continue

17 years ago

Food pantry meeting
On Tuesday evening, May 13, a goodly number of members of the combined churches, their ministers, and the Easton Kiwanis Club met at the Elementary School library to discuss and make plans for a food cupboard here in Easton.

    Vaughn Martin led the meeting and introduced Steve Lewis from “Friends Helping Friends,” the Fort Fairfield food cupboard. Martin impressed on the people gathered there that a leadership group should be set up. He also stated that the Easton Kiwanis Club, the Key Club and the Boy and Girl Scouts would be a great help in this project. An application needs to be made for a non-profit certificate and applications should be handed out to those who, because of their income, would be eligible to participate. This then needs bookwork and a secretary. Lewis told the group that food could be purchased from the Good Shepherd Food Bank in Portland for 16 cents a pound, and that the Catholic Charities of Maine in Caribou should be able to help come fall. He also told them that competitions among clubs, school classes, and others, in raising money and food, could be a good way to help the program. Volunteers are needed and the people gathered there seemed enthused about the whole project.
How often the cupboard should be opened was discussed. Fort Fairfield and Mars Hill have an open cupboard twice a month, and Lewis said that if anyone came in dire need, that he would see that they got what they needed between times. He also explained about the process they go through to get ready for the days they are opened and he pledged that Fort Fairfield would help in any way that they could. Martin explained that there would be a series of sermons in each church on “Faith in Action” for several weeks and then on Sunday, June 29, there would be a combined church service at one of the churches with the offering going toward the Easton Food Cupboard.
The one looming obstacle is a place to hold it. A few places were mentioned but were not ones that could be used. If anyone out there has a building, a trailer, a large room, or an idea of some place that would accommodate a food pantry here in Easton, please call Vaughn Martin.
The Pattee-Page Post 187 held its monthly meeting Monday evening, May 12 with a potluck supper with barbequed chicken and steak. Those attending were Legion Commander Robert Clark and wife, Cheryl, Paul and Arlene Mullen, Ricky and Sharon Brown, Clair and Eldora Carter, Jim Brown and Wanda Prather, Duncan Beaton, Hayward Ames, Jeff Larsen and Bernard Hussey. After the supper, a short meeting took place with the decision to meet at the Legion Hall next Monday night at 6 p.m. to put the flags and grave markers on the graves at the cemeteries before Memorial Day. The Commander told the group that Adeline Page has donated the cost of sending a boy to Boys State this year in memory of her husband, Darrell, who was a member of the Pattee-Page Post. The young man to go to Boys State will be C.J. Beaton. It was also voted to give $100 to the Fred Seabourn Scholarship. The men are going to get the Easton Cub Scouts to help put out the flags and markers. Robert also reported that the Post had a 100 percent membership for this year. The group decided that they would meet Monday, June 9 at 7 p.m. to make plans for the Bean Hole Bean supper at Field Day. Paul, Jim and Rick will be in charge of the beans.
Dale Blanchard along with her cousin, Denise Townsend, of Mars Hill, recently returned home from a 10-day visit with another cousin, Arnold Benson, in Scottsmoor, Fla. Arnold had their visit well planned for them. They visited Epcot Center, took a trip on a Wild Life Preserve, spent time at New Smyrna Beach and really enjoyed the 90-degree weather and a swim. They also toured some flea markets, took in some sales, and took part in an estate auction. They were a little let down to come home to snow banks still in their yards.
Richard and Jeannie Kneeland have returned home after spending the winter at their home in Florida. They moved into their camp at Munsen Pond and are in the planning stages of building a new home in the area.
Karl and Bonnie Fuller have also returned home after spending the winter in Stamping Grounds, Ky. with their daughter, Sarah, and family. They have other daughters living in that area now, Mary and her husband, Chris Burch, and Penny and David Lamereau are there. Karl and Bonnie flew into Manchester, N.H. where they spent a week visiting with their son, Mark and Michelle Fuller.
Easton Recreation calendar
Wednesday, May 21 – Junior activities 9:30-11 a.m. at the hall. Senior exercise 1 p.m. in the manor rec room. Swimming lessons; the bus departs directly after-school and will return to the hall at 4:40 p.m.
Thursday, May 22 – K Only will meet at the elementary school from 1-2:30 p.m. Summer registration from 2:45-4:15 p.m. at the Town Office. Please come prepared knowing what your child would like to participate in. Your child’s attendance is not required at registration. Weight Watchers will be held at 5:30 p.m. at the elementary school library.
Tuesday, May 27 – Senior trip to WAGM and out to lunch, departing from the manor at 9:40 a.m. Summer registration from 3:30-5:45 p.m. at Town Office. Please come prepared knowing what events and programs your child wants to participate in.
Wednesday, May 28 – Junior activities at the hall from 9:30-11 a.m. Senior exercise 1 p.m. in the manor rec room. Final swimming lessons; the bus departs directly after-school and will return to the hall at 4:40 p.m.

    Eldora Carter is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached at 488-5961.