By Doris Derespino
The Patten Woman’s Club had their meeting at Shin Pond Village Wednesday, May 21.
A potluck dinner was enjoyed. Our new slate of officers was sworn in. New officers are: President Jutta Beyer, Vice President Sara Hill, Treasurer Rhoda Houtz, Secretary Doris DeRespino.
Our Park Committee will be having the Sweet Pea Garden Contest again this summer. Anyone interested in entering can call Eve Rice at 528-2651.
The club will meet again in September.
By Shirley Sides
The weekly meeting of Happy Losers was held May 21 at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls.
We had 11 members weigh-in and nine attended our meeting.
Our persons who lost the most weight for the week was Mary Shaw and Loretta Bouchard, and runner-up was Lois Green. Great job, ladies.
Reports were given by our secretary and treasure for the week.
We voted to donate money to the food pantry.
Our leader Jackie Pratt led the program for the week. Her topic was on Evening Eating, which can be a problem for some of the group. Meetings are always interesting.
Every Wednesday morning we weigh-in from 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and the meeting will always start at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information.
The Sherman Senior Citizen Club met at the gym for a potluck lunch on May 21 at 11:30 a.m. and discussed going on two special outings, one of which to occur July 2 to the Patten deli for lunch and the fall outing to be finalized at a later date and to occur in the colored fall leaf time — early October or late September. It was decided to hold food sales on Sept. 13 and Aug. 16.
Our next regular meeting will be held at the gym on June 2 when we shall play “The Game.” Please come prepared to share in the fun. The summer will seem shorter than usual because of the late snow melt, cold temperatures and late arrival of spring.
It was good to see 18 members present namely: Donna Grass, RSVP coordinator Gini Garrett, Mary Lawler, Bonita Staples, Sam Guiggey, Eva Perry, Terese Albert, Linniea Perry, Margaret Duffy, Esther Greenier, Gary and Beverly Moody, Fred and Annie Atkinson, Fred and Sylvia Lilley and Dean and Frances McKenney.
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly #233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, May 23 meeting.
Twenty-five ladies were weighed; five of these were KOPS.
Loser of the week was Elinor Harvey with Dellie Bennett as runner-up.
Greeter of the month was Joanne Scott with Joyce Estey as leader.
Joyce Estey won the 50/50 drawing; skinny dish was held over; Dellie Bennett won the mystery gift.
Melva Folsom, in charge of charms, gave out the following charms: loser of the month for April, Barb Grant; Kops in leeway, Betty Ivey, Charlotte Marley, Lois Downing, Melva, March, April; perfect attendance, Melva; April leeway, Melva, Betty Ivey, Charlotte Marley, Donna Parent; loser of the month for March, Kay Grass; perfect attendance, January, March, Kay Grass, Denise Kinney, Wannetta Warman, Betty Lacostic, Janette Nelson, Joanne Scott; bracelet for losing five pounds, Wannetta Warman and Judy Jamison.
We need gifts for mystery.
Joyce distributed papers on SRD. She also talked about workshop at Fort Kent June 7.
Janette Nelson told us that Wal-Mart will take the new light bulbs and dispose of them.
Linda Trickey of the Cooperative Extension of the University of Maine was the speaker. She recommended and for tips. She compared three different loaves of bread and the labels on each.
The next meeting will be May 30. For information on the chapter you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
Weigh-in time is 8-8:45 a.m. each Friday. The meeting starts at 9 a.m. and usually ends an hour later.
Everyone is welcome.
By Mildred Gagnon
Oakfield Senior citizens met at Smoki Hauler Snowmobile Club in Oakfield on May 21.
Don Marley said blessing for dinner. Everyone enjoyed a great meal.
Bob Locke opened the meeting by saying the Lord’s Prayer and Flag Salute.
The secretary’s report was read by Mildred Gagnon and approved. Treasurer’s report was read by Delores Locke and approved. Wannetta Townsend had the card report sent out to the sick in the area.
Happy birthday was sung to May birthdays. Bunny, Marie and Charlotte won the mystery gifts. We had some readings.
On June 18, we will invite Island Falls seniors for dinner. They will bring desserts; Oakfield will bring hot dishes. We talked about going on a trip to St. John, New Brunswick. Pastor Ivan is going to be a guide. We will need to have a birth certificate and drivers license or two picture IDs.
Don Marley made motion to adjourn.
Our next meeting is June 4 and we are having a live auction.
Those attending were: Jessie Barrett, David Burpee, Evelyn Burpee, Merle Burpee, Bernice Campbell, Alma Clark, Jeanne Clements, Dolly Estabrook, Earl Estabrook, Thelma Flowers, Mildred Gagnon, Marie Gillotti, Edith Hardy, Jackie Kennedy, Juanita Lilley, Bob Locke, Delores Locke, Charlotte Marley, Don Marley, Halbert Miller, Peggy Sanders, Larry Sanders, Bunny Stewart, Wannetta Townsend, Roger Ethier and two guests, Arnold Roach and Rose Paradis.