Staff Writer
The Aroostook Pioneer
Lots of autos — Houlton now has 23 automobiles flitting around the town. They are becoming more common than bicycles. Others are contemplating purchasing the machines later on and by fall it is expected that at least 30 machines will be owned here.
The Houlton Pioneer Times
Homemaker installation — Future Homemakers of America held their annual installation of officers Wednesday. Officers include: Secretary Alona Harris, Barbara Howard, Carol Ivey, Shirley Weed, Vice President Sharon Estabrook, President Barbara Henderson, Dorothy Hand, Penny Ann Grant, Audrey Graham and Treasurer Brenda Coin.
Pioneer Times File Photo
GOOD CITIZENS TEA — In May of 1958, the Lydia Putnam Chapter, DAR, held a tea at the home of Mrs. Isabelle R. Hess, honoring the girls of southern Aroostook who were chosen to receive the Good Citizenship awards. Pictured here, from left, are: Mrs. Hess, Judy Rich of Ricker Classical Institute, Joyce Baker of Houlton High, Lorraine Green of Bridgewater Classical Academy, Judy Martin of Hodgdon High School, Priscilla Stevens of Island Falls High School and Margaret Swallow of Oakfield High School.
The Houlton Pioneer Times
New vet — Patrick K. Coville of Stockholm has earned his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine following four years of post graduate study at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Mich. A 1975 graduate of Caribou High School, he has also earned a bachelor’s degree in dairy science from MSU.
He and his wife Paula will be moving to Houlton where Dr. Coville intends to establish a full-service large and small animal veterinary practice this summer.
Catholic youth — St. Mary’s Catholic Church Youth met recently for Mass, supper and an awards banquet. President for the coming year will be Kevin Cyr. Advisors are Patty Fitzpatrick Crane, Jim Friel and Christine Blanchette.