SCARBOROUGH — On May 10 members of the Lloyd family gathered at the home of Mary and Bill Smith in Scarborough for a family reunion.
In attendance were: H. Leigh Lloyd of Old Town, his daughters Bethann McLellan, Leeann Wilcox and his grand daughter Bonnie McLellan. Marilyn Fleming Lloyd of Pittsfield, her son Douglas Lloyd, wife Rosemarie and sons Samuel and Peter, daughter Mary and her husband Bill and their children, Gavin, Brian and Karen Smith, daughter Vera Lloyd Bryant and her daughter Maggie, and John and Genevieve Coyle of Hartford, Conn. with their daughter Judith Sadosky and grand daughter Kristen.
Also in attendance were the daughters of the late Joe Lloyd, Katie Lloyd O’Brien and her daughter Bailey; Barbara Lloyd and her daughter Rachael.
The Lloyds are children of William and Blanch Dickinson Lloyd of East Hodgdon.