SACS holds NHS ceremony

16 years ago
By Jarrica Emery and Nicole Rondeau
SACS Journalism Students

    DYER BROOK — On April 29, Southern Aroostook Community School National Honor Society held their annual induction ceremony.
ImagePhotos courtesy of  SACS Journalism Class/Jarrica Emery
NHS CEREMONY — SACS National Honor Society members, from left, Junior Jennifer Bustard, Junior Brittany Charette, Senior Kelly Grant, and Junior Emma Senzek are all smiles after pledging to uphold the code of the National Honor Society.

    Advisor Marilyn Burton welcomed members and guests.
    Robert Toothaker, a senior NHS member, presented the new inductees to the audience. Toothaker spoke of each member’s accomplishments and contributions to her school and community.
    Former National Honor Society members Diana Betschner, Torri Bates, and Lisa Boutilier spoke on The Torch and Motto, Service, and Leadership, respectively. Present members Kylie Kennedy and Melanie Forest spoke on scholarship and character. The speakers stressed the importance of each to the code and character of the society.
ImageSACS National Honor Society Senior Kelly Grant, a new inductee, signs the Record Book as Advisor Marilyn Burton looks on.
    Following the speeches, candle lighting ceremony and pledge, new members were given their scarves by Toothaker. Principal Jonathan Porter presented new inductees with a certificate. After the presentation of the certificate, Burton pinned each new member, who then signed the Record Book.
    After the ceremony Porter announced the Principal’s Award, the Class of 2008 Honor Parts, and the Top Ten of the Class of 2008. The evening concluded with refreshments and social gathering.