To the editor:
It has come to my attention that Gary Pelletier is running for the Senate seat vacated by John Martin, who has served us in northern Maine for many years in very good fashion and leadership. I have come to know Gary not only as a tough state of Maine game warden, but as a longtime friend. I can say without a doubt, his past performance as a warden speaks for itself. He did his job with integrity, perseverance and the utmost dedication one man can do in his job description. No one can argue if they know Gary, he can certainly handle hard issues and situations. I feel he would be an excellent replacement for John, and have no doubt that he will serve northern Maine with professionalism and persistence with all issues he faces.
Gary has never been known to back to back down from a challenge. He is firm in his beliefs and stands up for them. I believe every issue and concern we may have will be an important one to him. I am sure he will be committed, and will make a stand for all of us here in northern Maine.
In concluding, I would like to urge Mainers to join me in supporting Gary at the polls.
James Lizotte
Van Buren