Hooray, school is out

16 years ago

To the editor:
    This is probably the most joyful time of the school year for my family and myself. I’m not talking about summer vacation. The reason I’m so happy is my grandson will not be bullied by classmates.     This young man has been involved in all school and Presque Isle Rec. Dept. sports, is extremely respected by the elementary and soon-to-be middle school band. He was an A/B student, until the bullies decided that they could point him out and start calling him names that are not to be mentioned in this paper. All this time he tries to ignores them, his grades drop and he builds a cocoon around himself. The drop of a hat was when he went to recess and the bullies had a plan to get him. Finally he shouted at them, “No more, just leave me alone!” Then seconds later, without warning he was fisted in the jaw while witnessed by teachers. The bully was sent home for the day and was allowed to return to school the very next day to join in the “End of the Year Festivities” – because SAD 1 has a soft heart.
    Where is the bully protection enforcement here?
    It is so sad to see such a young 11-year-old go through this. Hopefully this summer break will give him a better perspective on school and he will look forward to middle school, high school and college.

Mary Rivard
Presque Isle