Mapleton Lions Club to sponsor upcoming Daze Weekend

16 years ago

    The Mapleton Lions Club is pleased to continue as the sponsor of Mapleton Daze coming up June 26-29. Our expert barbecue chefs will be in action Friday, June 27 starting at 5 p.m. Dinner will be served at the Mapleton Elementary School.

The menu includes a half chicken, potato salad, coleslaw and cold soda. These dinners always sellout, so come early and stay through the evening and visit with friends and neighbors. While we do not provide dessert, our friends from the Mapleton churches can satisfy your sweet tooth desires.
    On Saturday the 28th, the Mapleton Lions Club recommends the breakfast at the Mapleton Lions Hall. We also highly recommend getting your pie and ice cream at the Haystack Historical Society following the Mapleton Daze Parade. Saturday will be the start of the Meadow Farm Festival where everyone can see farming of the past that may make a comeback when gas and diesel reach astronomical prices. The Mapleton Lions Club is also pleased to sponsor this festival. Come and see the true meaning of horsepower.
    On Sunday, June 29, the Mapleton Lions Club recommends the Mapleton Sunrise Service downtown at the gazebo followed by a delicious breakfast at the Mapleton Restaurant. For the activity of the day, Mapleton Lions Club invites everyone to the second day of the Mapleton Meadow Farm Festival, where the expert Lion grill chefs will be serving hamburgers and sodas. The farm festival will be a great learning experience for children, as well as time to rekindle fond memories of how farming used and still is at Meadow Farm.
Mapleton Daze Parade
    The 20th annual Mapleton Daze Weekend is quickly approaching. The big parade is scheduled for Saturday, June 28 at 9:30 a.m. This is the biggest parade this side of the Potato Blossom Parade! Everyone is invited to participate; there are no fees.
    Trophies will be awarded in six categories: Best Hometown, Best Marching Unit, Best Antique Auto, Best Antique Tractor, Best Organization and Most Original.
    The parade will be led by the Bike Parade. Kids, decorate those bikes, trikes or strollers and line up on the pool road at 9 a.m. to be judged. Trophies will be awarded for the best decorated in the following categories: strollers/wagons age 2 and under, trikes/bikes age 3-5, bikes 6-8, and bikes age 9 and up.
    Call Debbie Sawyer to register by June 21 at 764-1735 or e-mail
    New this year – coffee mugs, with the 20th anniversary logo of Mapleton Daze. Only a limited amount are available, so call Debbie Sawyer to order yours now. They will also be available Friday night at the chicken barbeque.
Chapman Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club to host Wacky Lawnmower Races
    Chapman Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club will be hosting a new event for Mapleton Daze. The Wacky Lawnmower races will take place Saturday, June 28, behind the elementary school. Registration will be from noon-1 p.m., with the races beginning at 1:30 p.m. Participants may also register at the Gloria M. McPherson Memorial Breakfast, from 6:30-9:30 a.m. at the Lions Club. All lawnmowers must be stock class, with no modifications. Mowers are limited to 25 horsepower or less. There will be two divisions: ages 12-17 and ages 18 and up. Prizes will be awarded to the “Wackiest Lawnmower/Operator,” as well as the winners of the races. We hope the public will support the club by participating and viewing the races! It should be very entertaining! Watch local businesses for informational packets. If you have any questions, please call Sue Maynard at 764-1236.
Haystack Historical Society
    On Saturday, June 28 during Mapleton Daze, in observance of the 135th year of the lynching of Jim Cullen, the Haystack Historical Society will have a Jim Cullen look-a-like contest. Start growing your beard and look for more information on posters as time gets near. Dena Winslow will be present to sign her latest book “They Lynched Jim Cullen.” We will also have our annual homemade pie and ice cream sale that day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
    Birthday wishes go out to Shane Mountain, Clinton Goheen, Amanda Scott, Gavin Akeley, Cody Boucher, Cheryl Allen, Dakota Fox, Annice Boyles, Taylor Thompson, Jack Lamoreau, David Bernier, Sue Powers, Zachary Fletcher, Violet Gregg, Stephanie Stephenson, Angela Boucher, Keith DeLong, Kendall Robbins, Penny Robinson, Ashley Cote, Keith Doyen, Angelle Michaud, Dustin McLaughlin and Kendra Merrill.
    Anniversary wishes go out to Bub and Penny Nadeau, Steven and Angie Kennedy, Rocky and Macy Hill, Taylor and Mandy Putnam, Kathy and Walter Scott, Carl and Andrea Ritchie, Dan and Nancy Charette, Lee and Jackie Putnam, Charles II and Anita Currier, and Gedeon and Debbie Martin.
Castle Hill Grange Hall Preservation Society
    The Castle Hill Grange Hall Preservation Society has candy bars are on sale at Chandler Farms, the Mapleton Town Office, or from any member.
    Their meetings are the fourth Tuesday of the month from February through November. They are now renting the hall from May through October for showers, reunions, and birthday parties. Please see any member for details.
Mapleton United Methodist Church
    The United Methodist Church luncheon will be held Friday, June 20 at 11:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome to come. Hope to see you there.
    Cubs, Pack 170 – Any questions on joining, please contact Adam Rider at 764-6897 or Dave Adams at 764-5662.
    Boys, Troop 170 – The boys from Scout Troop 170 are collecting donations of bottles and cans. Call Peter Starr at 764-8189 or Bud Hoffses at 764-4885 to make arrangements for a pick-up. As always, the boys appreciate all your support, which makes all their yearly activities possible.
Mapleton Chapman Castle Hill Senior Citizens
    The Mapleton Chapman Castle Hill Senior Citizens meets every Monday – except the fifth Monday – at Mapletree Estates. All are welcome.

    Bonnie Landry is the correspondent for Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman. She can be reached at 764-4860, or by e-mail at


ImagePhoto courtesy of Linda Hubbard
    THE MAPLETON ALUMNI ASSOCIATION presented 11 scholarships for $1,000 each to students from Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill. These were given out on Class Day, June 5, at PIHS. The students receiving these scholarships were: Kelsey Albert, Parker Brown, Chad Carlin, Brian Day, Allison Dean, Nicolas Gallant, Courtney Hoffses, Melissa McGary, Kurtis Perkins, Hayley Ritchie and Amanda Turmenne. These awards were presented by Linda Hubbard and Christine McPherson, on behalf of the MAA, pictured here at the ceremony presenting the scholarships.