Staff Writer
STACYVILLE —Voters within SAD 25 voted last Thursday to pass the $4.5 million budget for the upcoming school year.
The district, which includes Stacyville, Sherman, Mount Chase and Patten, held off on voting during the June 10 primaries, which is when most other schools around the area held their voting. The vote was held later because a public hearing was planned for June 19 to discuss the proposed budget.
The meeting was part of a mandated process tied in the with school consolidations law, which states that all schools budgets have to be presented in a line item format and voted on at a budget meeting, before it can be put out to a referendum vote.
24 people attended the public meeting, and approved of the budget without making any changes before it went to a referendum vote on June 26.
The increase in budget, which was up 4 percent from last year, is due in most part to the increase in cost of oil, and electricity, as well as diesel.
Although the budget was up 4 percent, $150,000 of additional state aid helped to make up for the money added to the budget over the last year.
A special district board meeting is to be held tonight in the Katahdin Elementary School Cafeteria at 6:30p.m.