Community Notebook

16 years ago
Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing

Another week has passed. Where does the time go? Hope your week is going along smooth and you are having fun and happiness.
Our sympathy is extended to Pauline Megquier, former tenant here, on the death of her brother, Bob Winship. Our sympathy is extended to Pauline and family.
Meredith Downing, my fourth youngest granddaughter, is now a Pastry Chef, having graduated recently from college in Connecticut. I can’t wait to taste some of Meri’s concoctions.
Donald and Dorothy Fitzpatrick, a grand couple, recently celebrated with family and friends their 50th wedding anniversary. Love and happiness to Don and Dot and may they have many more years together.
This is National Ice-cream Week! So many flavors at the dairy bar–it is so scrumptious. I could eat it at almost every meal!
Our band concert of last Thursday was wonderful. We thought the acoustics were better for some reason, if that is possible. We are always happy to hear McGill’s Community Band. Ron Clukey led the band at the end of the evening’s numbers. Ron is a well known pianist and dancer. Good for you, Ron.
Some of the tenants are having fresh vegetables from the garden out back. It is a perfect spot for the veggies. Thanks very much for those who are tending it.
Elinor Schenk is enjoying some time at her lake cottage.
My thought for the day: “You can be sure that the more we undergo sufferings for Christ, the more He will shower us with His comfort and encouragement.” (2 Corinthians 1:5)

TOPS 233, Houlton
By Lois Downing

Take Off Pounds Sensibly met in Houlton at the Aldergate building on High Street for its July 18 meeting.
Twenty 24 ladies were in attendance including seven KOPS. Our KOPS list has increased. Here are the names: Lois Downing, Betty Ivey, Barbara Grant, Janette Nelson, Melva Folsom, Donna Parent and Charlotte Marley.
Barbara Troy led us in 10 minutes of exercises. It was a good session for all.
Joyce Estey, leader, introduced Susan Farrell, new member, and each introduced herself to Susan. She was welcomed as a new member.
Joyce read a letter from Janice Cote, area captain. She will be with our chapter July 26 and will conduct the program. Joyce reminded the ladies of a meeting at Fort Kent July 26 at which time Paulette Soliere, chapter representative, will be present. Also attending this meeting will be Pat Smith, Janice Cote and Martha Nason. Paulette wants as many TOPS and KOPS present as possible.
Loser of the week was Vicki Little with runners-up, Lois Downing, Aileen Smith, Judith Jameson, Anita Nason and Joyce Estey.
Vicki Little won the skinny dish, the mystery prize was won by Joan Simpson and Donna Parent took home the 50/50 money. Denise Kinney, contest person, explained the new contest to begin August 1 and ending August 29. It’s called “Straw Hat” contest and is for both TOPS and KOPS. Denise presented Joan Simpson with two certificates, both earned at workshops. Joan has been absent for a number of weeks, so the presentation was long overdue.
Distributed were new copies of bylaws, updated as of April, 2008. Each person present received a copy.
A list of charms presented by Melva Folsom and earned by individuals are: perfect attendance for April, May and June: Lois Downing, Melva Folsom, Denise Kinney, Charlotte Marley, Gerry McAfee, Janette Nelson, Aileen Smith and Juanita Warman.
Six weeks no gain: Joyce Estey, Elinor Harvey, Brenda Lacostic, Janette Nelson, Cleo Joslyn, and Anita Nason.
KOPS in leeway for May and June, Lois Downing, Melva Folsom, Betty Ivey, Charlotte Marley, and Donna Parent.
May Loser of the Month, Elinor Harvey; June loser of the month, Anita Nason. Barbara Grant received a charm for reaching her goal. Before we left, “Happy Birthday” was sung to Lois Downing and she took a bow.
If you want more information about the chapter, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653. We meet every Friday unless otherwise posted. Weigh-in is from 8-8:45 and the meeting begins at 9 and lasts about an hour.
See you at TOPS!

Feedback on meeting

The Sherman Area Senior Citizen Club composed of folks from Benedicta, Stacyville and Guilford Ridge, met at the Sherman gym Wed. at noon on July 16, for potluck lunch and listened to new member Janet Baiardi explain the organic way to raise healthier garden produce for our consumption and hoping to arouse our interest in organizing a place to market it. Would anyone reading this offer any feedback?
We discussed making plans for the fall trip outing to be the subject of the next meeting, which will occur on August 6.
Present were: Fred and Annie Atkinson, Fred and Sylvia Lilley, Dean and Frances McKenney, Liniea Perry, Bonita Staples, Donna Grass, Sam Guiggey, Eva Perry, RSVP rep. Gini Garrett and Janet Baiardi/new member.

Senior Citizens enjoy picnic meeting
 by Mary Lawler

Patten Sr. Citizens gathered for a picnic lunch at Patten Alumni Park on July 15 with 10 member and three guests present.
The business meeting was opened by president Jackie Palmer.
Cards were signed and sent to Annette Noyes, Malcolm Willingar, Charles Baker, Rod Lyons and Vivian Brownlee.
Annie Lord told several jokes.
The Game will be played at the August 5 meeting.
Members present: Shirley Merrill, Iola Giles, Jackie Palmer, Joyce Harveym, Gloria Noyes, Nettie Shorey, Annie Lord, Mary Lawler and Jean Tarr.
Guest: Brenda Raymond, Lois Green and Gini Garrett/RSVP Coordinator