Thank you, Houlton

17 years ago

To the editor:
Houlton, Maine is blessed to have the citizens it does! My family and I were en route from Nova Scotia to Delaware for our summer vacation a few weeks ago. On the night of July 3rd, on Interstate 95 just before the exit to Sherman, we struck a moose which had materialized out of nowhere. The van was wrecked, but miraculously, only my wife and I received minor injuries. All five of our children weren’t injured at all!
    We spent the July 4th holiday in Houlton and then departed for Delaware on the morning of the 5th. We were so touched by the community’s love and friendliness, that we felt compelled to write a thank-you note in your local newspaper. The following people we wish to single out for their kindness, generosity and professionalism shown to us during those few days. Please forgive us if we do not remember all of your names or if we get some of them incorrect.
To the husband and wife (who happened to be a doctor and nurse!) who were the first to see us on the highway and pulled over to help us. Your presence calmed us all and helped us to settle down while we waited for the paramedics to arrive. The children thought that the nurse’s sweatshirt which showed an upside moose with crosses on its eyes as particularly funny, given the circumstances. Thank you!
To the paramedics for their utmost professionalism. Thank you to Donny, who rode with me in the ambulance back to the hospital in Houlton, and for our driver, for talking to my oldest son and keeping him occupied during the trip, as well as all the other EMS people who showed up that night and helped our family. I know you were “just doing your job” but from our perspective, you were like angels coming to save us. Your efforts will never be forgotten by us. I also want to especially mention Sam Sides and his brother who felt a need to take a drive earlier that night and ended up being the first responders on the scene. Sam was also kind enough to guide us back to Sherman where we found our van and were able to unload our stuff before we headed out. Thank you!
To Trooper Eugene W. Sutton of the Maine State Police. Although I have a vague recollection of handing you my driver’s license inside the ambulance, my wife said how wonderful you were with her and the children at the accident scene and again at the hospital. She said you were a source of strength for her and that you exercised the right mix of compassion and authority every time you spoke with her. My oldest son was also very thankful that you took the time and effort to place all of our valuables left in the wreckage, including his MP3 player, into our cooler for safe keeping. Thank you!
For the staff of Houlton Regional Hospital that were on duty that late evening/early morning who looked after us. Dr. Philip McFarlane, who treated my youngest daughter, my wife and I and for Norah and Shelley, nurses who not only helped us with our physical wounds, but really helped to make us feel better emotionally as well. Again, please forgive me, but I forget the name of the gentleman who first saw me in the hospital and vacuumed away most of the glass from the windshield that was still covering me. You did a great job! Thank you!
To the staff of the Shiretown Motor Inn. I forget the name of the lady manning the desk that early morning, but we were all charmed by her Tennessee accent, which we recognized was not from the local area, for the way she received us and helped us to get a room. To Ann Merritt, who surprised us later that morning with a couple of bags of personal hygiene products, knowing that we did not have anything. I am utterly convinced that that small act of thoughtfulness will yield an eternal dividend for you, Ann! Ann was also having a family reunion that weekend and I want to also say thank you to Donna and Missy, from Connecticut, who graciously invited our family to their July 4th barbecue that afternoon! You all have a wonderful family! Thank you!
And finally to Alex L. Hutchinson from Rent-A-Wreck, who, rather than enjoy sleeping in on a holiday Friday, was awakened by a telephone call from my wife to see about a vehicle rental. And so, early on the July 4th holiday morning, Alex came down to meet with my wife and made arrangements for us to have another van for the rest of our vacation. We were thankful to Alex for the remainder of our holiday as we were able to continue our drive. Thank you!
As usual, words never seem to be able to convey our heartfelt gratitude, but our entire family has prayed that God may richly bless you, your families, and for anyone I might not have mentioned by name, for being angels of mercy to my entire family during that terrible ordeal. Your selfless actions have again reminded us how wonderful Americans are and how blessed we Canadians are to call you our friends!

The Powers family
Amherst, Nova Scotia