County getting wind burned?

16 years ago

To the editor:
    The citizens of Maine need to remember this at election time. Mainers need to know that these out-of-country companies are after our money and we are stupid enough to give it to them.
     They make power from the free wind and we pay them. They ship it to Canada and they pay them.
    The people in Mars Hill got a stipend tax credit so they say. And not one KW of power for the people of Aroostook.
    The only reason for these companies to come to Maine is the government subsidy.
    Is it so hard to use common sense. Put up a wind farm in Aroostook for Aroostook citizens.
    Hey Maine Public Service, start a new power company to produce electricity from wind power here in Aroostook.
    It was reported several days ago that the government of Scotland just approved a 536 MEGA KW wind farm to produce power for 310,000 homes in their own country. What a novel idea.
    Thanks R. Beem for the information.

Kirk Hersey