Local schools announce honor rolls
Caribou Middle School
The fourth-quarter honor roll has been announced at the Caribou Middle School. Students making the grade were:
Grade 8
Highest Honors: Nickolas Dobson, Demarre Doody Corriveau, Taylor Dwyer, Katrina McPherson, Paige N. Nadeau, Reggie Rideout, Kjetil Rossignol, Sarae Sager and Paige Small.
High Honors: Dustin Boucher, Annie Collins, Renee Dube, Mackenzie Hey, Matthew Kamm, Charm Karunasiri, Kelly Kashlan, Jacob Kiehn, Nanette Levasseur, Erin Madore, Tia McHatten, Samantha Murchison, Ashley Ouellette, Nicholas Pucci, Emily Staples, Marc Sturzl, Samantha Watson and Benjamin Wyman.
Honors: Danielle Akerson, Amber Ayotte, Jacob Beaupre, Natasha Bishop, Jennifer Brooks, Brandon Brown, Chad Caverhill, Caleb Chapman, Alexsea Cholewa, Ashley Clark, Lacy Cyr, Reid DeMerchant, Sierra Dwyer, Dustin Farley, Alex Gutierrez, Sphen Johnson, Katherine Keaton, Erin Kinney, Tella Knoll, Cory Marrett, Jamie Martin, Ashley Ouellette, Carlee Pinette, Caitlin Sirois, Amanda Violette, Kyle Wickstrom and Elisha Willey.
Grade 7
Highest Honors: Devin Ballard, Mackenzie Belyea, Regan Buck, Kayla Cormier, Emma Duplissie Cyr, Adam Flynn, Sabrina Haney, Hannah Hebert, Ginger Kieffer, Sameer Panesar, Alissa Randolph, Ashley Richards, Michael Selander, Meredith Sleeper and Tyler Willey,
High Honors: Tiffany Bishop, Jennifer Blaisdell, Cassie Caron, Alisha Collins, Mallorie Cyr, Megan Doody, Quriosity Garcia, Gabrielle Gorence, Zachary Gorence, Dominique Hessert, Haley Hunter, Sara Huston, Alexa Massey, Jeremy Ouellette, Reanna Plourde, Olivia Sleeper, Emily Soderberg and Michelle Tardif.
Honors: Sean Barbosa, Kassaundra Belk, Carl Benson, Courtney Burby, Lucien Caverhill, Stephanie Chapman, Kaleb Corriveau, David Denbow, Taylor Dobson, Brennan Duy, Paul Flick, Kenneth Griffeth, Harley Hansell, Katelyn Hewitt, Alex Hodsdon, Abigail Holcombe, Stephanie Knoll, Matthew Lulofs, Ronald Lund, Chelsea Martin, Rebecca McDougal, Nolan McDuffie, Jessica McNeal, Sara McQuade, Jeremy Miller, Evan Nadeau, Darren Newbegin, David Pelkey, Jacob Plavnick, Trenton Seigle, Idella Thompson, Rebekah Walker and Brendan Wood.
Grade 6
Highest Honors: Shyanne Barnes, Mackenzie Beaulieu, Emmanuel Bouchard, Samantha Camy, Ethan Caron, Corlyn Cavender, Clara Collins, Matthew Curry, Sirena Cyr, Allissa Irving, Chaya Karunasiri, David Kennedy, Elyse Kiehn, Alexander Murchison, Marina Shaw, Emilee Sirois, Matthew Theriault and Delaney Williams.
High Honors: Krista Beaupre, Michael Boone, Adam Collins, Chandler Dobson, Keith Draper, Ashley Dube, Matthew Frost, Cody Herbert, Kameron Manter, Michael Mattoon, Danae McKenna, Peter Schuster, Alexander Scott, Courtney Sheldon, Alyssa St. Peter and Ryan Washington.
Honors: Arianna Bard, Dylan Berkoski, Chantal Bittle, Breen Blackstone, Harley Bouchard, Andrew Brown, Christie Burby, Austin Caverhill, Rebecca Gagne, Caleb Gordon, Sara Hamlin, Taylor Hartley, Logan Holck, Paige Johnson, Jared Keaton, Victoria Keaton, Tom McLean, Logan McPherson, Jesse Page, Daniel Powers, Ryan Reiff, Derek Richardson, Harley Shaw, Jared Shaw, Alana Sirois and Connor Thibeault.
Grade 5
Highest Honors: Brian Corbin, Brendan Cyr, Andrew Griffeth, Colby Holdsworth, Gavin Levesque, Kristin Macek, Michael Marquis, Kristopher Michaud, Morgan Outing, Katherine Pelletier, Richard Perry, Connor Shaw, Mitchell St. Peter, Taylor Thibodeau, Nathan Wall and Nathan Wyman.
High Honors: Kendra Coffin, Amber Corey, Taya Damboise, Sarah Doak, Alexandre Michaud, Erin Patton and Courtney Walsh.
Honors: Lora Archer, Bryant Beaulier, Dustin Bouchard, Makayla Bouchard, Justin Boyer, Matthew Brown, Anita Castonguay, Jennifer Chapman, Lauren Chapman, Danielle Chase, Cassandra Clark, Dustin Coty, Dylan Coty, Madison Doody, Tanner Edgecomb, Victoria Fraser, Sage Gehring, Hannah Gragham, Ellse Gudde, Emma Jandreau, Drew Lajoie, Maricila Marte, Gregory Martin, Scott McCrossin, Taylor Miller, Matthew Milton, Karina Patterson, Tyler Raymond, Angel Sanow, Shawn Savage, Trevor Seigle, Katie Sirois, Emilee Susi, Dylan Theriault, Kyle Tibbetts, Nicole Wickstrom.
Caribou High School
Caribou High School officials have announced the names of students making the honor roll for the fourth quarter. Students making the list were:
Grade 12
Highest Honors: Amy Anderson, Robert Blaisdell, Karyn King and Bryant Sirois.
High Honors: Maria Caparotta, Katie Corriveau, Kelly Dewley, Kimberly Englund, Joshua Haney, Allyson Hessert, Spencer McElwain, Nicholas Plourde, Louise Portet-Marleaux and Franz Zehentner.
Honors: Justin Adams, Krista Albert, Nathan Berube, Steven Branscom, Lucas Butler, Genevieve Camy, Kyle Corrigan, Lindsey Cote, Steven Crowley, Matthew Cullins, Adam Davis, Zachary Dinsmore, Carlin Dubay, Jesse Faye, Luke Finnemore, Elizabeth Flagg, Janelle Gagnon, Serena Lavoie, Danielle Jo Loggans, Todd Michaud, Karen Morey, Nicole Nadeau, Jonathan Noyes, Octavia Panzeri, Danielle Pelkey, Erika Pelkey, Amanda Pelletier, Amber Pelletier, Jordan Powers, Justin Prest, Lauren Repecko, Allison Richards, Ethan Rossingol, Jarryd Rossignol, Deanne Sargent, Sandra Schofield, Marie Solomita, Kyle St. Peter, Bobbie Sue Sullivan, Tyler Theriault, Matthew Trombley, Nicholas Violette and Benjamin Watson.
Grade 11
Highest Honors: Meagan Bossie, Eric Brown, Kylie Chapman, Amanda Cyr, Kenneth Dufour, Katelyn Flick, Thaddeus Gorence, Desirae Sock, Jesse Stephens, Nathaniel Swan, Laurie Tang and Victoria Wong.
High Honors: Emily Collins, Victoria Dorman, Kayleigh Felix, Deric Flaherty, Christopher Gustafson, Taylor Jepson, Alzbeta Kalnova, Emily Keaton, Chelsea LeBlanc, Vincent Lewis, Charlene Mayne, Katie Ouellette, Jeoffrey Pucci, Christine Savage, Philip St. Peter and Matthew Tardif.
Honors: Shane Belanger, Kathryn Bell, Keyleigh Bennett, Meg Bosse, Molly Bouchard, Melinda Boxwell, Chelsea Butler, Shannon Butler, Carrie Caldwell, Samantha Cross, Karcynn Dorsey, Kristen Espling, Zachary Foster, Serena Grier, Deavin Gustafson, Courtney Hamlin, Dahna Hickox, Maria Hodsdon, Nicholas James, Katherine Just, Shayna Lajoie, Timothy Langlais, Louis Levasseur, Siobhan Lewis, Robert Marrett, Chad Michael McCarthy, Sarah-Jeanne McGlinn, Katherine Morneault, Timothy O’Bar, Jessica Ouellette, Tyler Ouellette, Anthony Patton, Benjamin Pinette, Alessandra Pizzuti, Brandon Plourde, Samuel Robertson, Seth Sager, Hannah Saunders, Kayla Schurman, Travis St. Peter, Kyle Staples, Patrick Strainge, John Stubbs, Josh Stubbs, Joseph Sturzl, Breanna Sund, Patrick Thibodeau, JinSil Thomas and Delta Wiggins.
Grade 10
Highest Honors: Emily Anderson, Finn Bondeson, Rachel Jordan, Christine Kashian, Kellie Moody, Kellene O’Hara, Kaysie Pelletier, Jared Sleeper, Abby Small and Nicholas Willey.
High Honors: Elizabeth Barbosa, Monika Beaupre, Erin Buck, Marie Clark, Samantha Corey, Brittany Doak, Caley Doody, Travis Hallett, Kody Hornick, Kelsey Morin and Kevin Turcotte.
Honors: Cameron Anderson, William Bilodeau, Crystal Brayall, Jessica Collins, Ian Connolly, Taylor Corey, Lauren Demerchant, Jerry DePriest, Annette Derry, Sarah Englund, Timothy Freme, Megan Jandreau, Nathanael Kamm, Danielle Lane, Danielle MacDonald, Kyle McCrossin, Ethan McDuffie, Brandon Mills-Rand, Brittany Nadeau, Meagan Nadeau, Melissa Nadeau, Megan Ostlund, Jonathan Ouellette, Ryan Ouellette, Sara Ouellette, Emille Patton, Daniel Saucier, Rachel Siford, Dusty Skidgel, Danielle Soucy, Daniel St. Peter, Lily Sund, Evan Susee, Cortney Therrien, Mallory Thompson, Theodore, Walker, Justin Wilcox and Benjamin Wyman.
Grade 9
Highest Honors: Laura Collins, Dustin Denbow, Ezra Duplissie Cyr, Duncan Flynn, Taylor Foster, Kevin Godin, Casey Nichols, Jenna Selander, Cole Sirois, Christian Sleeper and Danielle Violette.
High Honors: Kayla Collins, Brianna Gorence, Kyle McEwen, Dayna Michaud, Nathan Rossignol, Hannah Saucier and Ethan Stetson.
Honors: Jacob John Atcheson, Benjamin Blackstone, Chelsea Butler, Jason Case, Adam Chartier, Jordanna Cook, Devon Cote, Matthew Coty, Nicole Cyr, Trevor Cyr, Sare Damboise, Chelsea Griffeth, Colleen Harris, Branden Holdsworth, Garrett Jordan, Elizabeth Keaton, Lydia Kieffer, Robert Kiehn, Nicole Madore, Samantha Mayne, Alyson Michaud, Jacob Michaud, Elainee Norris, Dylan Ouellette, Marion Ouellette, Madison Outing, Riley Parady, Sarah Peterson, Kyle Pooler, Breanna Randolph, Phillip Smith, Stephen St. Peter, Ian Thibeault, Cody Thibodeau and Roland Thibodeau.
Teague Park Elementary
The fourth-quarter honor rolls have been announced at the Teague Park School. Students making the grade were:
Grade 4: Highest honors: Ben Ezzy, Kelsey Kiehn, Bradley Doody, Jillian Flynn, Mason Huck, Michael Hunter, Donovan Savage, Megan Theriault and Molly Adams.
High honors: Jenna Boucher, Chelsea Chapman, Sarah Draper, Axios Gerakaris, Eden Howell, Justin Ouellette, Stephanie Currie, Tyler Dombroski, Luke Edgecomb, Dustin DeMerchant, Kate Finnemore, Chathu Karunasiri, Anna Soderberg, Irene Thibodeau, Elijah Verhoff, Mallory Patterson, Kelsey St. Peter, Kelsie Washington, Riley McDuffie, Hailey White, Ashton Beaver, Sara Boyer and Devin Martin.
Honors: Laura Doucette, Justice Flannery, Michaela Schwartz, Ricky Sheldon, Michael Wipperman, Brianne Gagnon, Taylor St. Peter, Jacob Burby, Joseph Bourgoine, Jarid Brescia, Mackenzie Chamberlain, Raylee Cloney, Richard Newland, Justin Reiff, Craig Vrieze, Nathaniel Adams, Krysta Marcoux, Maura Freme, Hilary Jalbert, Makayla Paddleford, Austin Skidgel, David Smith, Mindy St. Peter, Jacob Whitten, Alexis McLean, Destinee Berz, Maggie Cyr, Olivia Engstrom, Nicholas Frost, Paul Hanson, Dylan LaMothe, Reece McDougall, Eileen Patton, Lyndsay Rowland, Emily Jalbert, Emily Levesque, Lariah Longley, Cory Michaud, Megan Ouellette, Austin Scott, Lakeisha St. John and Spencer St. Peter.
Grade 3: Highest honors: Brittany Dickinson, Casey Dobson, Julia Page, Sam Kennedy, Emma Belyea, Josiah Krul, Kerrigan Manter, Kaitlyn Nadeau, Connor Plourde, Noah Cousins, Samantha Fortin, Kirsten Haney, Susan Lewis, Jennifer Robbins, Zachary Whitten and Casey Wilcox.
High honors: Jessica Butler, Kassidy Caron, Aaron Gagnon, Meg Boone, Jillian Jandreau, Heather LaMothe, Kailee Clark, Erin Kashian, Brandon Tweed, Taylor Fournier-Belanger, Madeline Gudde, Kyle Soetaert-Beaulier, Andrew Tardie and Jill Courchene.
Honors: Brett Bouchard, Danielle Castonguay, Alexis Guillemette, Mara Harris, Kara Madore, Jerred Morrow, Cody Montinho, Kourtenie Rossignol, Michael St. Peter, Kyle Voisine, Joshua Verhoff, Emma Theriault, Cole Jackson, Bryce Taylor, Zachary Crouch, Austin Brown, Lochlan DuVal, Sebastian Doucette, Kyleigh Stiller, Emily Cooke, Madison Doucette, Bryce Coffin, Brennen Griffeth, Brandon Philbrick, Justin Roy, Casey McCrossin, Conor O’Donal, Ajaypal Panesar, Nick Pelletier, Cindy Rotnofsky, Katelyn Clark, R.J. Doucette, Jessica Henderson, Kaleb Johnson, John Siddiqui, Zachary Wright, Christopher Dumond, Eric Howe, Jacob Morrow and Ethan Wilcox.
Limestone Community
The fourth-quarter honor roll has been announced at the Limestone Community School. Students making the grade were:
Grade 12: High honors: Robert Amuzzini. Honors: Ryan Bell, Sarah Coppola, Kalli Cote, Joseph Norton and Melanie Saucier.
Grade 11: Honors: Barry King.
Grade 10: Honors: Rylee Leighton, Dylan Morgan and Salvadore Portera Jr.
Grade 9: High honors: Justin Thompson. Honors: Matthew Danielson, Savanna Gray and Ashley Hale.
Grade 8: Honors: Zachary Cote, Christopher Derrah, MaryMargaret Portera, Jasper Tamburello and Julia Weatherhead.
Grade 7: Honors: Mackenzie Beaulieu, Bret Butler, Daniele Pelkey and Brandon Thompson.
Grade 6: High honors: Melissa Cantafio. Honors: Kelsee Albert, Alexis Bell, Christopher Bernier, Jordyn Hopkins, Tristan Kirk, Miranda Leblanc and Mariah Williams.
Grade 5: Honors: Ellyzabeth Bencivenga, Sydney Fisher, Bethany McAvoy, Makayla Newell, Annie Sinclair and Jason Sprague.
Grade 4: High honors: Megan Mullenix and Madison Staples. Honors: Kassee Albert, Branwen Baker, Kaitlyn Beil, Shania Bell, Samantha Fisher, Corin Howard, Chelsey Pelkey, Ramirez Robinson, Alyssa Sinclair, Monica Sperrey, Jessica Tucker and Natalie White.
Grade 3: High honors: Andrew Dechaine. Honors: Nathan Boulier, Christopher Caldwell, Corinne Corbin, Morganne Emery, Kelsi Newell and Riley Robinson.
Connor Consolidated
The Connor Consolidated School has released the fourth-quarter honor roll. Making the grade were:
Grade 6: Honors: Devin Cyr and Briana Rossignol.
Grade 5: Honors: Dylan Damboise.
Grade 4: High honors: Jensen Jones. Honors: Halley Caron.
New Sweden School
The fourth-quarter honor roll has been announced at the New Sweden School. Students making the grade were:
Grade 8: High honors: Ashley Christie. Honors: Makaila Bourgoine and Laura Kavin.
Grade 7: High honors: Victoria Bouchard, Kelsie Espling and Amber Peterson. Honors: Jordyn Doucette, Margaret Hart and Jubilee MacLeod.
Grade 6: High honors: Kimberleigh Pottle. Honors: Caleb Findlen and Elliott Landeen.
Grade 5: Honors: Courtney Cote, Ethan Gustafson and Albany McCabe.
Grade 4: Honors: Kylah Belanger, Luke Lagasse and Tsion MacLeod.
Van Buren District School
Karla C. Michaud, principal at the Van Buren District Secondary School has announced the fourth-quarter honor roll students at Van Buren. They are:
Grade 8: High honors: Nicole Duplessis, Eric Laplante, Samantha Michaud and John Parent.
Honors: Natasha Bourgoin, Morgan Johnson, Mark Levasseur, HaleyLizotte, Corey Meunier and Natasha Ouellette.
Grade 9: High honors: Jonathan Chasse and Brandon Ouellette.
Honors: Colby Caron, Tonya Godin, Sasha Gudroe, Kyle Hews, Garik Theriault and Patrick Vaillancourt.
Grade 10: High honors: Brandy Lapointe.
Honors: Zachary Farley, Reuben Hastings and Jessica Wierzbicki.
Grade 11: High honors: Caitlin Carpenter, Lindsay LaJoie, Rebekah Levesque, Macy Ouellette, Joachim Parent, Michael Perreault, Judy Pinette and Kelly Vaillancourt.
Honors: Walter Burlock, Christopher Cyr, Jason Fortin, Sara Gagnon, Timothy Hanson, Cody Ouellette, Mika Ouellette and Ashley Ruest.
Grade 12: High honors: Stephanie Corriveau, Jessica Laplante, Katy Levasseur, Taylor Parent, Kristin Theriault and Kristen Vaillancourt.
Honors: Christina Dionne, Benjamin Doucette, Heather Dumond, Alexis Gereben, Kelley Girard, Angela Glew and Alex Martin.