Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 233 of Houlton, met at the Aldergate building on High Street Friday, August 1.
Twenty-two ladies were in attendance; 7 of these were KOPS. The KOPS list now consists of Janette Nelson, Charlotte Marley, Donna Parent, Lois Downing, Barbara Grant. Betty Ivey and Melva Folsom. We are getting bigger and bigger. Come on girls, we need more KOPS!
Joyce Estey, leader, asked for roll call. Loser of the week was Denise Kinney with Gerry McAfee runner-up.
Reports were given by weight recorder Joanne Scott and secretary Vicki Little. Janette Nelson also gave her monthly treasurer’s report.
The skinny dish and 50/50 prizes were both won by Donna Parent. Joyce Estey opened her mystery gift too and we all oh- and ah-h.
Denise Kinney, in charge of the new contest, pertaining to hats, said 14 ladies signed up. The contest will end August 29.
A card was signed for Anita Nason who lost her husband July 25. A telephone committee will be established for letting the ladies know when there is a death.
Elinor Harvey was the official greeter, taking the place of Barbara Troy, who was unable to be present.
Joyce explained the walking contest and said to be sure to turn your walking sheet in, if you want to enter.
Joyce called on several of the ladies to tell of their experiences in Fort Kent July 26 when they attended a workshop. Some of the ladies speaking were Joan Simpson, and Melva Folsom. There was a small attendance but they learned a lot from the workshop. Joyce told us there are 120 TOPS chapter in Maine alone.
Barbara Grant led us in exercises in the absence of Barbara Troy. The exercises put us at ease and some were standing, some were sitting. Thanks to you, Barb.
The remainder of the program was taken up with bylaws and a future meeting with officers.
The next meeting will be August 8 at the same location. Weigh-in is 8-8:45 a.m. with the meeting starting at 9 o’clock and running for an approximate hour.
If you want more information on the chapter you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.
Purple Hat Ladies
Purple Hat ladies will meet at Grammy’s Country Inn at Linneus at noontime Tuesday, August 12. All ladies are welcome. Just come and wear your purple hat.
This is National Friendship Day. Happy Friendship to all my friends and readers.
Visiting Marion Hogan this past week was her brother, Murray McGann of Woodstock, N.B. Murray had his daughter, Theresa Jones of Sebec, N.B. with him to visit Marion.
Dick and Joyce Marks of Hampton, N.H. are in town staying at one of the motels until August 12. Joyce is a sister to Linda Beaupre, a former tenant here at Ricker. Joyce and Linda recently lost their uncle by death, Edmund Clowes, in his 80s. You have our sympathy, ladies.
How about Manny being traded–I’m talking Red Sox now. Is that a good move or a bad one–how about your opinion.
Doris Barrows is a patient at Houlton Regional Hospital, as of this writing. Her son Philip Barrows of Hawaii came home because of her illness. Doris is doing very well and has her family to cheer her.
Bunny Stewart of Smyrna Mills is very ill. Bunny is a special person, always doing something for somebody. She would love your cards now, I’m sure.
Harold McCarthy attended the Presque Isle Fair on Wednesday. He also went to see the horse show.
Shop for Education–the advertising is on for education box tops. It is so easy to save these for the schools and children to improve their playgrounds. Save box tops for education!
Don and Eileen O’Donnell recently celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary. Fifty-eight years–I’m sure I heard right. All their 13 children were home for this anniversary, grandchildren and great grandchildren too! Best wishes to Don and Eileen on this happy occasion.
Brian Henderson dropped in to make a visit at the office on Tuesday of last week. Brian has lost 30 pounds and has decided to lose more pounds! He looks great and we were happy to see him looking fit.
Raspberries are out! Have you had any of these delicious berries?
This is Althea Lloyd’s 90th birthday. “Happy Birthday” to Althea. As somebody said the other day: “Any day you can get out of bed is a good day.” Althea can certainly do that and then some!
The band concert on Thursday was cancelled because of the weather. Let’s hope this week brings a better day and we can enjoy the concert. This is the second cancellation, to my knowledge.
My thought for the day is taken from the bible: “…I have chosen you out of the world…(John 15:19)
Happy Losers
The Happy Losers meeting was held July 30th at the Congregational Church vestry in Island falls
We have our ups and downs exercise which everyone seems to enjoy. Our person who lost the most weight for the week was Shirley Sides and runners-up were Hilda Clukey and Marion Burton. Our persons who lost the most weight for the month of July was Jackie Pratt and Hilda Clukey. Great job ladies!
We had fourteen weigh-in and thirteen attended our meeting. The secretary and treasuer reports were given for the week.
Our leader Jackie Pratt led the program for the week .Her topic was on five fruits and vegetables we should have each day. Half a cup each day would be suffient.
Please feel welcome to our group of wonderful women each Wed. 7:30am to 8:45am weigh-ins and 9:00am meeting starts. Call 365-4884 for more information.
The Red Hat Society
Border Belles, Leola Bishop, Marge Melvin, Priscilla Monroe and Barbara Grant traveled to Bridgewater, Thursday, July 24th to attend the fashion show presented by the Bridgewater Community Club for their Sesquicentennial event. The clothing was a delightful display of attire from the 1800’s to the present. The inside of the church was highlighted with antique pieces of clothing and the piano was sporting a bright Red Hat on its mantle.
Do you suppose that was in acknowledgement of our presence? Hee, Hee! We also enjoyed the tea and tasty refreshments at intermission. Food and fun is always a draw to red hatters. Speaking of fun, we had such a good time that some of us traveled back to Bridgewater on Friday night to take in the Variety Show at Keith Kingsbury potato house and enjoy the antics of Joy Whited. What energy and talent that woman has. When she gets to be 50 (the only requirement), she would make a superb red hatter!!
Pregnancy Walk
The Houlton Pregnancy Care Center is looking for Walkers to help raise funds for the PCC. Get your family, grab your sneakers and join them for a fun “Family Focused Fundraiser” Thursday, August 21 at CLA Career Enhancement Center. Registration begins at 6:00 with Games & Face Painting for the children and Military Street Baptist Youth Band “Peculiar Breed” will be performing.
Ask friends, relatives and neighbors to sponsor you and then show up for the walk and have fun. Ice Cream sundaes will be provided after the walk. If you can’t walk, but would like to sponsor one of our staff members, please call. Your gift is tax-deductible and will help to make a positive impact on the lives of women in your community.
The Pregnancy Care Center is known around town for providing free services for maternal assistance, clothing, parenting classes, abortion recovery program, and pregnancy tests. If you would like to help out with this cause call 227-4024 or 532-6380.