PRESQUE ISLE – More than 30 employees at the University of Maine at Presque Isle were honored for their years of service during an Employee Appreciation Luncheon held in May.
Thirty-one employees were recognized for their combined 515 years of service to the University. Employees were honored with various tokens of appreciation, from pewter mugs and clocks to lamps and rocking chairs.
Recognized for 35 years of service were: Carolyn Cheney, Douglas Pelkey and Dr. Theodore Shields.
Recognized for 30 years of service was Mary Lawrence.
Recognized for 25 years of service were: Dr. Richard Ayre, Gretchen Brissette, Connie Levesque and Dr. Robert Pinette.
Recognized for 20 years of service were: Carol Gordon, Dr. Zhu-Qi Lu, Dr. Kevin McCartney, David St. Peter, Daniel J. Soucier and Ricky Wasson.
Recognized for 15 years of service were: Erin Benson, Laura Bouchard, Helen Findlen, Jean Henderson Lorelei Locke.
Recognized for 10 years of service were: Kathy Davis, Robert Michaud, Dr. Shirley Rush, Lisa Udasco and Dr. John Zaborney.
Recognized for five of service were: Donald Gibson, Denise Hamel, Kathryn Higgins, Danette Madore, Guy “Pete” Marquis, Kimberly McCrea and Lewis Wirta.
Also recognized during the event were retirees: Shirley Ballard, William Lothrop and Peggy Smythe. Cognratulations were offered to Dr. Barbara Chalou and Dr. Raymond Rice for their recent promotions to full professor status. Honors were also given to those graduating from the Supervisor Development Institute. They included: Carolyn Cheney, Clare Exner, Richard Gardiner, Marteen Hester, Barbara Lambert, Christopher Smith, Rick Thibeault and Ricky Wasson.
Participants in the Supervisor Development Institute had more than 30 contact hours in various subject matters, including Effective Communication, Handling Performance Problems and Supervising in a Union Environment, along with eight other modules. Presenters were University System employees, other campus employees, UMPI employees and outside subject experts. It is the University of Maine System’s goal to have all supervisors graduates of the Institute with the second cohort starting in August.