By Gloria Austin
Staff Writer
HOULTON – Most Show ‘n Shines feature classics that are polished, buffed and shining brightly. But this year, the North Country Cruisers are hoping that other classic car owners will dig their antiques out of storage and add them to the refurbished lineup for the weekend.
“We’d like to see the old four-door Impalas and other makes that may not be redone,” said Tim McAtee, organizer of the event. “It doesn’t have to be fancy. It can be an unrestored family vehicle.”
This year’s ninth annual Show ‘n Shine will be held August 23-24 at the Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum. There is no admission to enter a vehicle or to attend.
There will be lots of activities throughout the day, including a Car Cruise at 2 p.m. on Saturday, kids’ games, driving challenges such as the “Blind Driving Challenge,” where two people sit side-by-side on an ATV, with the driver’s face shield of their helmet darkened, while the other person’s shield is clear and they direct the driver through a set timed course.
The North Country Cruisers offer 22 classes for vehicles, including new categories for four-door cruisers and tractor trailers.Contributed photo
AT THE MUSEUM — The North Country Cruisers will be hosting their annual classic car and truck show both Saturday and Sunday at The Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum in Littleton as part of an event-filled weekend to raise awareness, funding, volunteers and membership in the not-for-profit museum.
Since this is the final show of the season, the Cruisers will have a DJ playing music and lots of door prizes will be given away, with trophies presented in each class, as well as the Long Distance Award and cash card — to help offset gas expenses – in memory of Dale McAfee by his family.
On Saturday from 6-8 p.m., the Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum will sponsor a supper.
“We’d like to thank local sponsors who have helped make this a free community event,” McAtee said.