Lakes group sets meeting

16 years ago

    Chiputneticook Lakes International Conservancy (CLIC), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to preserving the quality of water in the lake system that runs between New Brunswick and the southern part of Aroostook and northern part of Washington counties, is holding an informational meeting on Saturday, Aug. 23 at 1 p.m. at North Lake, N.B.
    Two newly-elected Canadian members of the CLIC Board of Directors, Mike Saunders and John Furrow, will be joined by several other board members to explain the group's purpose and expand on its hopes for the future. The group currently has over 200 Canadian and U.S. dues-paying members.
    The meeting will be held at the Hide Away Lodge, 4104 Route 122 in North Lake N.B. Coffee, donuts, and soft drinks will be served and the Hide Away Pub will be open after the meeting for anyone wishing other beverages or a light lunch.
    For more information, you can call Mike Saunders at 506-894-2291.