Legislative Sentiment granted posthumously

16 years ago

ImagePhoto  courtesy of Priscilla Ayotte
    State Reps. Bernard Ayotte, Caswell  and Peter Edgecomb of Caribou recently presented Darilyn Cote and family with a Legislative Sentiment in memory of her late husband, Alfred “Hap” Cote.
Cote, a life-long resident of Limestone, a member of the Aroostook County Sheriff’s Department, a wonderful husband, father and an active member of the Limestone community, died May 3, 2008. Members of the Maine Senate and House of Representatives joined in extending their deepest sympathy to the Cote family. Family members are, from left: son  and daughter-in-law Shane and Erin Cote; daughter Shanin Cote; sister Gladys) Cote (Doe); wife, Darylen; sister-in-law Tess Cote; Ayotte and Cote’s brother Nathan. Rep. Peter Edgecomb was absent from the photo.