Wednesday, August 13
7:50 a.m. Elmwood Avenue — Theft — Caller reported losing or had stolen medications belonging to both she and her husband. Caller advised police medications had been left on the steps and numerous people had been in the location. Action — There had been numerous people in the area according to caller so anyone may have taken the items, police had no way to substantiate.
8:40 a.m. Sincock Street — Criminal Mischief — Caller reported someone had tampered with the fuel pump at the Armory.
Action — Officer found damage to lock. Subject probably entered area along the back side toward Sincock Street; area will be watched more closely.
12:20 p.m. Teague Park — Harassment — An officer was requested to be at the Glenn Street tennis courts to speak with caller regarding other juveniles present who were harassing her.
Action — Subjects were two female juveniles who were arguing with caller. Officer advised juveniles to stay away from each other, if they couldn’t get along.
10:21 p.m. Route 1 — Juvenile Complaint — Caller reported being northbound on Route 1 by the bridge, south of fort Street and seeing a juvenile lying on the side of the roadway. Caller advised when turning around to make sure subject was all right, he jumped over the side of the bridge to hide. Caller informed police when returning to the area the juvenile was there again.
Action — Upon arrival of officer, three juveniles jumped over the bridge, taking off. A second officer checked the area at the end of Crosby Avenue and was unable to locate anyone in the area.
Thursday, August 14
4:20 p.m. Collins Street — Disorderly Conduct — Female caller advised police of a female subject who was causing a problem was removed from a local establishment. Caller wished to speak with an officer regarding the incident.
Action — Officer spoke with caller and warned subject was given a criminal trespass warning and told not to return.
5:54 p.m. Access Highway — Juvenile Complaint — Police received a 9-1-1 call from a male individual who reported two juveniles were throwing up dust and breaking trees off in a local trailer park.
Action — Officer located subjects and sent them home.
8:20 p.m. Limestone Street — Reckless Conduct — A male individual advised police that while driving on Limestone Street he witnessed two juveniles sitting on each side of the road. As he slowed down and was passing the subjects they pulled up on a rope, hitting the front of the vehicle. Driver stated he stopped and got out of the vehicle; the juveniles father came outside telling him to “cool out, it’s only a rope.” Caller also stated the adult male made a point to inform him of the speed limit.
Action — Police spoke with both juveniles parents and it shouldn’t happen again.
Friday, August 15
1:25 a.m. Powers Road — Noise Complaint — A male caller advised of hearing what he believed to be a gunshot, coming from the north of his residence.
Action — Officer checked all around the area and did not see anyone out and about. A second call was received at 1:45 a.m. from another individual in the same area. Second caller was informed officers had just made a pass around the area, finding anything out of order.
8:34 a.m. Caribou Middle School — Trespass — Caller from the middle school advised police that a transient, previously removed from the area, was back at the school around 7 a.m. A custodian had noticed him before he entered the building and told him to leave which he did. Caller wanted police to be aware that subject is still around.
Action — Officer located subject and explained that he would be arrested if he goes back inside any of the schools. Subject said he understood. Subject also had initially stated he was just walking through the yard but later admitted that he was going to attempt to enter the building in order to use the facilities.
Saturday, August 16
9:35 a.m. York Street — Theft — Caller reported discovering a full can of gas had been stolen out of a shed the previous night.
Sunday, August 17
11:40 a.m. McGraw Siding Road — Theft — Caller informed police his 1968 truck, parked at McGraw Siding, is missing the radiator. Caller stated the vehicle had been checked two weeks ago and everything was all right.
5:41 p.m. Access Highway — Harassment — Female called reporting a male subject harassing her by phone and would not cease.
Action — Officer spoke with the Limestone Police Department and they will attempt to locate the subject and warn him to stop all contact. Officer also advised caller to seek a protection order.
5:36 p.m. Bennett Drive — Disorderly Conduct — Caller advised police of an older male subject who was hollering and swearing at people in the park for no apparent reason.
Action — Subject had left the park area before officer arrived.
4:45 p.m. Teague Park – Disorderly Conduct – Caller reported a group of juveniles at Teague Park using foul language.
Action — Officer spoke with seven juveniles who all blamed an older group that had left the area . Caller stated they were all involved. Officer advised juveniles to leave the park if they couldn’t keep the language clean.
9:10 p.m. Katahdin Avenue — Harassment — Caller reported a male subject was texting threatening messages to him on his cell phone, regarding his relationship with a female he is dating. Female’s mother told police she doesn’t want subject to have any contact with the caller or her daughter as subject was asking questions about one of the females stating he is going to be with her some day. (There is a protection order in effect from the women.)
Action — Police made contact with subject on his cell phone advising him to cease all contact with caller and female companion. Subject became defensive stating the police department had no right to tell him he couldn’t have contact with the female, because the judge told him he could. Officer attempted to explain that he was being warned for harassment, wasn’t sure if he understood.
Monday, August 18
1:13 p.m. Lower Lyndon Street — Criminal Mischief — Police were advised that sometime between Saturday and Monday an unknown subject had spray painted the brick walls of the power station.
Action — Officer went to the scene.
Tuesday, August 19
5:03 a.m. Sincock Street — Noise Complaint — Caller reported a female subject making noise so she couldn’t sleep; requested an officer speak to subject.
Action — Officer spoke with subject who informed him she wasn’t making any noise. Officer noted that he hadn’t just stopped by and made up the complaint. Subject was advised that if there any were more complaints she would be summonsed for disorderly conduct.
10:38 a.m. Lyndon Street — Criminal Mischief — Caller advised police someone had placed a potato in the exhaust pipe of her vehicle and requested to speak to an officer because she thought she knew who was responsible for the act.
Action — Caller was advised an officer would meet her at the location of the vehicle. Officer spoke with caller informing her that although she suspected an individual prosecution was not based on suspicion. Officer would speak with suspected individual.
3:27 p.m. Limestone Street — Motor Vehicle Complaint — A male caller reported vehicles were traveling a high rates of speed on Limestone Street, noting vehicles were most active between 6-7 a.m. and 6-8 p.m. Caller advised that his driveway could be used for police observation.
Action — Police will attempt to monitor the traffic.
4:24 p.m. Bernadette Street — 9-1-1 Hang-Up — Police were informed another agency had received a 9-1-1 call from a local business and had spoken with a male individual there who stated they had just started using a new phone system and he had been trying out the 9-1-1 feature.
Action — Officer called individual who confirmed testing the new phone system. Officer advised to contact the police department next time before trying out the phones.
4:41 p.m. Spring Street — Disorderly Conduct — A female caller reported she assists at a local day-care site on Spring Street and as two of the boys there were building a playhouse a couple of older neighborhood juveniles came along and started bothering the younger kids, using inappropriate language. Caller requested an officer speak with the older subjects.
Action — Officer located subjects at their residence and advised them not to return to that area since they had no business being there.
Wednesday, August 20
8:15 p.m. Bradley Street — Suspicious Person — Caller reporting a female subject, carrying a large bag was going door-to-door looking for a place to stay.
Action — Officer located subject at an address she was prohibited from being at on another warrant charge. Subject was arrested and charged with violation of bail.
9:02 p.m. Lower Lyndon Street — Suspicious Person — A male caller advised he passed a male subject a short distance from his residence while enroute home. Caller stated once arriving home he had gone inside then came back outside shortly after and the subject was in his back yard. Subject had fled and was last seen heading up Lower Washington Street.
Action — Officer began to check the area but had to clear due to another call.
9:08 p.m. East Presque Isle Road — Suspicious Activity — Caller reported their garage was broken into last week and that night a vehicle was in back of the residence. Caller looked out back and witnessed a group of subjects present. Her husband went outside to intervene and she hadn’t heard from him since.
Action — Officer located the other half of the complainant outside and he was fine. Area was checked and no one was located. Officer advised the homeowners to call again if they saw anyone around their property.
11:35 p.m. Access Highway — Criminal Trespass — Caller reported seeing a female at a local business who had earlier been warned not to return to that location.
Action — Subject told officer she had permission to be at location which was determined to be false. Subject was taken into custody for criminal trespass.