Beagles take over Caribou Rehab and Nursing Center

16 years ago
By Deanna Jordan
Staff Writer

    The Caribou Rehab and Nursing Center was busier than usual on August 21, as a few nurses spent almost an hour running after several beagles that had taken over the dayroom.

ImageAroostook Republican photos/Deanna Jordan
    Two puppies sniff around a resident’s feet, while their mother walks off, in search of the rest of her pups, who were busy running around the room inspecting everything.

    No, it didn’t rain cats and beagles that day, and no, there was no massive cage-break from an animal shelter.
    The special guest puppies belong to Rodney and Debbie Parent, of Limestone, who have been raising and breeding the dogs for 14 years.
    This is the third year the Parent’s brought in the puppies and their mother to visit the residents of the nursing and rehab facility. Parent said this year’s mother beagle was a puppy during last year’s visit.
    “It makes them feel so good,” said Parent, commenting on the seniors’ reactions. The smiles and laughter in the room made it evident that the special guests really made the residents’ day.
    The dogs spent their visit running around the dayroom, sniffing everything and saying hello to everyone they met.
    Mama beagle was constantly running after her pups and always watching to make sure they didn’t get into trouble. Puppy, Diego, was a particularly energetic beagle, getting into every available spot in the dayroom.
    The seniors enjoyed holding and petting the tiny beagles, but the puppies didn’t want to be up for long. After a few minutes of being held they began to whine and cry to be put back on the floor.
    The second their little paws touched the floor they were off running, in search of something else to sniff and something new to investigate in their unfamiliar surroundings.
    Eventually the little dogs grew tired of exploring and settled into a pile of fur and tails in the middle of the room, all of them ready for a nice nap.
    Parent says that he and his wife will continue to bring their dogs in to visit the seniors.  “We’re going to do it for as long as we can, with every litter that we get.”

Image    A beagle puppy, owned by Rodney and Debbie Parent,  snuggles in the arms of resident Elizabeth Wing, during its recent visit with the seniors. Six puppies made the visit, along with their mother, who had visited last year, when she was just a pup.






Image    Thelma Olsen poses for a photo with one of the puppies, as it looks toward its mother and siblings.








Image    One of the  beagle puppies snuggled up with Phyllis Richardson during a sniffing break.








Image    Katherine Mattson, resident of the Caribou Rehab and Nursing Center, holds one of six beagle puppies that made a special visit to the residents on August 21.