Heafty penalties outweigh inconvenience with IDs

16 years ago

To the editor:
    This is in reference to a letter in the Aug. 20th paper about people being asked to prove they are of legal drinking age to purchase alcohol.
    The law states that a valid identification is required to purchase any alcoholic beverage. In the past the status quo was to ask for proof of a person’s age that looked under a certain age, but we see people who are 30 or 40 and they look 18, and we also see 18 year olds who look 30 or 40. The only fair way is to ask everyone for proof of age.
    The penalties for selling or serving someone under age are very stiff and unforgiving. We know it seems like a huge inconvenience but please help all of us who either sell or serve alcohol, by please having your identification ready.
Deb La Rosa
Sue Richards