PRESQUE ISLE – Northern Maine Community College faculty, staff and retirees came together for a luncheon just before the start of a new academic year to honor their fellow colleagues who have reached milestones in their tenure. Altogether, the ceremony recognized a combined 375 years of dedicated service.
Twenty-one NMCC employees were presented 30-, 25-, 20-, 15-, 10- and five-year service awards during the event, which featured touching and humorous tributes paid to honorees by fellow faculty and staff.
“Recognizing the members of the NMCC family who have reached important milestones of service to the College is a wonderful way to start a new school year. Time and again we hear from students, parents and alumni about how much of a difference NMCC has made in their life or the life of their child,” said NMCC President Timothy Crowley. “Everyone who shares this sentiment with me also speaks of the individuals on the College faculty and staff who were instrumental in helping them to achieve their goals and realize their dreams. The devotion and dedication of our employees is extraordinary and important for us to celebrate.”
Thirty-year service awards were presented to Dennis L. Albert, welding and metal fabrication instructor; Betsy A. Harris, registrar; Brain A. McQuade, maintenance mechanic supervisor; and John. E. Johnson Sr., maintenance mechanic.
Twenty-five-year service awards were presented to Frank R. Boone, purchasing assistant, and Roberta A. Everett, nursing instructor.
Twenty-year service awards were presented to Philip (Chuck) Brown, business office manager II; Joyce M. Campbell, senior administrative secretary; Stephen D. Caron, HVAC technician; Robert Collins, automotive collision repair instructor; Gail Y. Gagnon, financial aid coordinator; and Alan J. St. Peter, plumbing and heating instructor.
Fifteen-year honors were presented to Karen L. Gonya, associate director of development and college relations, and Janice E. McDougal, nursing instructor.
Ten-year honors were presented to Daryl Boucher, nursing instructor/EMS, and EMS coordinator; Dwight M. Clayton, business technology department chair and instructor; Paula K. Flora, nursing instructor; Tammy J. Putman, accountant I.
Karl V. Jackson, business and industry coordinator; Tammy L. Nelson, director of counseling; and Alan D. Punches, vice president/academic dean, were all honored for five years of service.
Photo courtesy of Northern Maine Community College
RECOGNIZED DURING THE ANNUAL Northern Maine Community College employee/retiree recognition luncheon for their length of service at the College were, front row, from left: for 20 years, Alan St. Peter of Caribou and Robert Collins of Mars Hill; for 25 years, Roberta A. Everett of Fort Fairfield. Back row: for 30 years, John E. Johnson Sr. of Fort Fairfield, Brian McQuade, Betsy A. Harris, and Dennis L. Albert, all of Presque Isle.