Safety course offered in time for 2008 hunting season

16 years ago

Hunter safety course
     There will be a Hunter Safety Class at Central Aroostook High School beginning on Tuesday, Sept. 2. Subsequent classes will be Wednesday, Sept. 3, Thursday, Sept. 4, Tuesday, Sept. 9 and Wednesday, Sept. 10. Classes will run from 6 – 8 p.m. each night.

     You must attend each class. You must be 10 years old to enroll, and children between ages 10 – 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Please call 425-3771 to register.
Rotary Club
     The Mars Hill Rotary Club met at the Aroostook Health Center on Tuesday, Aug. 19, at 6:30 a.m. The special speakers were Donald Zillman, president of the University of Maine at Presque Isle, and Rachel Rice, media relations coordinator at UMPI.
     President Zillman expressed thanks to the people of Aroostook County for their support for last year’s bond issue. The university is completing a $1.7 million renovation project to Folsom Hall that will greatly improve its energy efficiency. The university is also moving forward on installing a wind turbine on campus. They expect to sign for their turbine and contractor shortly. Construction is to start in October, with completion by the end of the year. With electricity costing the campus $370,000 a year, the windmill will significantly cut down on that expenditure.
     Other things that the campus is doing is to be more promotional about the campus and its offerings for the local population. They will offer more programs for the students, as well as offering more creative projects. Currently, the Andy Warhol exhibit will be opening in early September. There will be 150 photographs on display from the 1970s and 1980s.
     The campus is also restructuring their athletic program, which will affect what games they play.
     Rachel showed a promotional film that has been done featuring UMPI students titled “Find Your Path,” highlighting what they have enjoyed during their days on campus including hands-on learning experiences, opportunities to travel and learn through both academics and athletics as well as the opportunities for on-the-job experiences.
Bridgewater Creative Crafting
     On the first and third Thursdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Civic Community Center in Bridgewater, crafters are encouraged to join together to work on various projects. Bring your own supplies and projects as you share your knowledge of various crafts. Work together or individually with quilting, knitting, sewing, embroidery, crocheting, scrapbooking, etc. Everyone is welcome! For more information, please contact Chris Finemore at 425-6606 or Melody Goff at 420-4002. Come relax and enjoy yourself as you socialize with other crafters.
 The Bridgewater Historical Association is continuing with their live music on Thursday evenings from 6 – 9 p.m., with local musicians jamming together.
     A Bake Sale is planned for Saturday, Sept. 6, from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. All proceeds from the Potluck and Bake Sale will be used toward building maintenance.
     The BHA would like to extend their thanks to all their contributors and supporters. All the help is greatly appreciated.
     The BHA will hold their next monthly meeting on Monday, Sept. 8, at 6:30 p.m. To contact the BHA, their mailing address is P. O. Box 341, Bridgewater, ME 04735. The president is Denis Gagne (429-8290), Secretary is Jann Votaw (425-7901).
Westfield tractor pull results
    Maine Antique Tractor Club/Northern Branch, Westfield Jubilee Days Pulling Results, Saturday, August 23:
• 2000-lb Class – 1 – Phil Kilcollins, Farmall Cub, 150.9; and 2 – Tami Kilcollins, Farmall Cub, 138.
• 3000-lb Class – 1 – Denis Quint, JD-320, Full Pull; 2 – Phil Kilcollins, Farmall AV, 184.4; and 3 – Richard Carter, Ford Jubilee, 163.0.
• 4000-lb Class – 1 – Jeff Roy, Farmall H, 142.7 (Pull Off); 2 – Rodney Brewer, Oliver 70, 142.4 (Pull Off);  and 3 – Beau Bradstreet, Massey 30, 138.1 (Pull Off).
• 5000-lb Class – 1 – Jeff Roy, Oliver 77, 135.5; 2 – Logan Brewer, Farmall 300, 127.9; 3 – Rodney Brewer, Farmall 300, 123.11; 4 – Larry Bull, Farmall Super H, 121.17; 5 – Larry Kingsbury, Massey F-65, 121.4; 6 – Keith Boulier, Massey 44, 119.1; 7 – Joe Cheney, International 300, 113.10; 8 – Phil Hanson, Farmall Super H, 113.3; 9 – Troy Bradstreet, Massey 44, 112.1; 10 – Don Hanson, Farmall Super H, 107.4; 11 – Chad Kingsbury, Massey F-65, 102.4; and 12 – Bart Bradbury, Oliver 66, 82.4.
• 6000-lb Class – 1 – Jerod Kingsbury, Farmall M, 173.0; 2 – Rodney Brewer, Oliver Super 88, 160.7; 3 – Devon Beals, Farmall Super M, 160.4; 4 – Bill Fitzherbert, Oliver 88, 156.4; 5 – Spencer Garrison, Farmall 300, 147.1(youth puller); 6 – Wayne Garrison, Farmall 300, 136.2; 7 – Merdith Folsom, McCormick Deering W-9, 133.3; 8 – Bart Bradbury, Oliver 77, 130.9; and 9 – Bryant Billings, Farmall M, 124.4.
• 7000-lb Class – 1 – Troy Doody, Farmall M, 185.11; and 2 – Tami Kilcollins, Farmall Super M, 172.5.
• 2500-lb Class – 1 – Lionel Roy, Farmall A, 190.4; and 2 – Jeff Roy, Farmall A, 180.9.
• 3500-lb Class – 1 – Robert Watson, Allis WC, 197.6; 2 – Joe Cheney, Ford 8N, 176.8; 3 – Burton Tilley, Massey 22, 170.11; 4 – Jon Maynard, Ford 8N, 170.2; and 5 – Tami Kilcollins, Farmall AV, 108.2.
• 4500-lb Class – 1 – Logan Brewer, Oliver 70, 225.1; 2 – Lionel Roy, Farmall H, 223.10; 3 – Roger Quint, Farmall H, 222.11; 4 – Beau Bradstreet, Massey 30, 216.10; 5 – Larry Bull, Farmall Super H, 214.11; 6 – Ron Clapper Sr., Massey 30, 214.4; 7 – Joe Cheney, International 300, 211.6; and 8 – Ron Clapper Jr., Massey 30, 207.
• 5500-lb Class – 1 – Rodney Brewer, Oliver Super 88, 151.2; 2 – Bill Fitzherbert, Oliver 88, 147.2; 3 – Logan Brewer, Oliver Super 88, 145.1; 4 – Troy Bradstreet, Massey 44, 130.2; 5 – Phil Kilcollins, John Deere-A, 126.7; 6 – Spencer Garrison, Farmall 300, 123.7; 7 – Lionel Roy, Oliver 77, 121.7; 8 – Wayne Garrison, Farmall M, 119.9; 9 – Jon Maynard, John Deere-A, 115.8; 10 – Larry Kingsbury, Farmall H, 112.10; 11 – Paul Boulier, Massey 44, 110.4; 12 – Spencer Garrison, Farmall M, 108.6; 13 – Don Hanson, Farmall H, 107.4; 14 – Jerod Kingsbury, Farmall H, 106.8; 15 – Phil Hanson, Farmall Super H, 106.2; and 16 – Boyd Bradbury, Oliver 66, 65.3.
• 6500-lb Class – 1 – Chad Kingsbury, Farmall M, 171.6; 2 – Devon Beals, Farmall Super M, 139.9; 3 – Bryant Billings, Farmall M, 137.7; and 4 – Boyd Bradbury, Oliver 77, 132.11.
• 7500-lb Class – 1 – Tami Kilcollins, Farmall Super M, 208.6; and 2 – Troy Doody, Farmall M, 181.0.
• Open Class – 1 – Jerod Kingsbury, John Deere 830, 79.3(Pull Off); 2 – Denis Quint, John Deere 830, 74.3(Pull Off); 3 – Phil Kilcollins, Farmall Super M, 69.1(Pull Off); 4 – Troy Doody, Farmall M, 91.0; 5 – Bill Fitzherbert, Oliver 88, 75.5; and 6 – Bryant Billings, Farmall M, 57.9.
Mars Hill Fire Department
     The Mars Hill Volunteer Fire Department will hold a Pig Roast and Baked Bean Dinner fund-raiser on Saturday, Sept. 6, at noon at the fire department. The cost per meal will be $7.
    Tomi Henderson is the correspondent for Mars Hill, Blaine, Bridgewater and Westfield. She can be reached at 429-9126 or e-mail   


 ImagePhoto courtesy of Tomi Henderson
    BINGO was on the agenda for these Westfield Jubilee attendees on Saturday, Aug. 23.



Photo courtesy of Tomi HendersonImage
    Erin Thomas, of Westfield, has been awarded a Maine Masonic Scholarship. Erin is a 2008 graduate of Presque Isle High School and is the daughter of Lee and Marianne Thomas, of Westfield. She will be attending the University of Maine in Orono this fall, majoring in journalism. Ken White, District Deputy Grand Master for the first Masonic District of the Grand Lodge of Maine, had the pleasure of presenting Erin with the scholarship certificate at her home. The Grand Lodge of Maine awards numerous scholarships annually throughout the state and this year Erin is one of four Aroostook County students to receive the Maine Masonic Scholarship. Congratulations, Erin!



ImagePhoto courtesy of Tomi Henderson
    LITTLE MISS Bridgewater 2008 Miranda Anthony was crowned recently by Little Miss Potato Blossom 2008 Chloe Wheeler, also of Bridgewater. Miranda enjoyed riding in the Bridgewater Sesquicentennial Parade as well as the ACI/CAHS Reunion Parade.






Photo courtesy of Tomi HendersonImage
    THE MARS HILL branch of the Graves Institute of Self Defense participated at the June 14 tournament held in Houlton. They are, front, from left: Nate Hawksley, Seth Hawksley (third in fighting, second in throwing and first in power impactor), Gavin Miller (second in throwing), Johnathan MacArthur and Janelle Tweedie (second in fighting). Middle row: Jillian Tweedie (third in fighting), Nick Dominique (first in throwing), Zachary Grass (first in throwing), Kilynne Beaulieu (first in fighting) and Noelle Bailey (first in throwing). In back: Sensei Ted Hawksley (second in fighting), Josh Tweedie (first in fighting and third in throwing), Walter Mosher (first in fighting and first in throwing), Kelly Robichaud (third in fighting and third in throwing), Mitch Wheeler (second in fighting, first in throwing and first in power impactor) and Sensei Jerod Kingsbury (Grand Champion in fighting and Grand Champion in throwing).