Caribou Little League
The Caribou Little League will hold its awards night on Saturday, Sept. 6 at the Caribou Performing Arts Center beginning at 6:30 p.m. with a raffle to follow the awards. All parents and children involved in this year’s Little League season are urged to attend. All team members will receive awards. For more information, contact Kirk Cyr at 551-2727.
The Little League will be holding its fifth and final meeting for the season at the Caribou Wellness Center on Wednesday, Sept. 3 at 7:15 p.m. All managers and coaches are required to attend. Among the list of topics is the election of officers for next year. For more information, contact Cyr at 551-2727 or Chad McNeal at 493-4542.
Viking Run
The annual Aroostook Savings and Loan Viking Run will be held at the Caribou High School track on Labor Day Monday, Sept. 1 at 9 a.m. Registration for the ten different children’s races begins at 8:15 a.m. Runners from age two to eighth grade are encouraged to attend. Pre-k and kindergarten runners compete in a quarter-mile run. The first to fourth grade runners compete in a half-mile race. The fifth to eighth grade runners compete in a mile race. There will be trophies for the top three male and female finishers in each race. Ribbons and t-shirts will be awarded to all the young athletes who take part.
OAPI events
Outdoor Adventure Program International at the University of Maine at Presque Isle will host a whitewater rafting trip on Sunday, Sept. 14 to the west branch of the Penobscot River. The trip is available to UMPI students and members of the public. Cost of a ticket is $60 for students and $85 for non-students. Students may purchase tickets beginning Monday, Aug. 25 and non-students beginning Thursday, Sept. 4. For more information, contact Amanda Morin at 768-9401.
Woodsmen Open
Portage Hills Country Club will host the Woodsmen Open golf tournament on Saturday, Aug. 30. Registration will take place from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. with a shotgun start at 11 a.m. Three-person teams will compete in a best ball format on the first nine holes and a scramble on the second nine holes.
The cost is $90 per team. There are no handicap restrictions. There will be cash prizes for gross and net winners in the men’s and women’s divisions. A hole-in-one prize sponsored by Percy’s Auto Sales will also be up for grabs.
For more information, call 435-8221. The rain date is Sunday, Aug. 31.
MWSC announcements
The annual Caribou Labor Day Road Race will take place on Monday, Sept. 1 with registration taking place at Caribou High School ski building beginning at 9 a.m. The 8-km walk begins at 10:30 a.m. and the 8-km run at 11 a.m. For more information, contact Leo Kashian at 498-3995 or Carl Soderberg at 493-7868.
Madawaska will host a goalkeeper clinic directed by James Hachey the weekend of Sept. 6-7. Day one is for athletes in grades one to 12, and the second day is for older athletes. For more information, visit
The Mad Lake Plod, Pedal and Paddle Triathlon will take place on Sunday, Sept. 14. The race begins at 9:30 a.m. at Brent Jepson’s camp on the South Shore Rd. in Madawaska Lake. The race will include a 4-mile run, 13-mile pedal and 4-mile paddle with a barbeque following. Please inform organizers of any intent to participate beforehand. Volunteers are also needed to help out at the event. For more information, contact Jepson at 492-2222 or Jeff Dubis at or 834-7543.
The TAMC/NHSC Fat Tire Festival will take place Sept. 27-28 at the Nordic Heritage Center in Presque Isle. Events will include an adventure relay, bike rodeo, downhill race and MMBA Point Series coss country mountain bike finale. For more information, visit