Summer T-Ball Teams

16 years ago

Image    TIGERS – Playing for the Tigers T-ball team were, from left, front, Mikayla Howland, Emma Drew and Logan Swallow; middle, Kylee Mooers, Breanna Clossey, Derek Brown, Isaac Vega and Ethan Rollins; back, coaches Chris Mooers and Mark Drew. Absent from the photograph were James Coyle, Drew Foley and Jeremiah Ireland.

Image    ORIOLES – Playing for the Orioles T-ball team were, from left, front, Jamie Brown, Jeremy Stone, Thomas Astle and Nolan Jacobs; middle, Martha Wilson, Katherine Berube, Sam Drew, Francis Petrillo and Jason Collett; back, coaches, David Astle and Peter Collett. Absent from the photograph were Zachary Lowery and Jenova Maguire.

Image    BLUE JAYS – Playing for the Blue Jays T-ball team were, from left, front, Mitchell Hardy, Rebecca Howe and Quinn White; middle, Kelsey Sewell, Kennedy Buzzeo, Logan Tribou and Michael Beaton; back, coaches John Tribou and Scott White. Absent from the photograph were Matthew Crane, Madelyn Lloy and Brittany Fitzpatrick.

Image    ANGELS – Playing for the Angels T-ball team were, from left, front, Noah Reynolds, Jacob Ebner, Alex Carmichael, Sydney Lorom and Maggie Cowperthwaite; middle, Sam Ellis, Sydney Ellis, Abby Worthley, Brandon Bouchard and Joel Carmichael; back, coaches Peter Ellis and Barry Lorom.

Image    TWINS – Playing for the Twins T-ball team were, from left, front, Gabe Green, Elijah Matheson, Molly Porter, and Gabe Fitzpatrick; middle, David Donnelly, Hannah McKissick, Martha King, Alexander Wilde and Keegan Gentle; back, coach Steve Fitzpatrick. Absent from the photograph were John Fitzpatrick, Joshua Fitzpatrick, Morgan Graham, and coaches Trapper and Cheryl Gentle.