Maine Community Foundation awards Grant

16 years ago

   RECEIVES GRANT — The Maine Community Foundation awarded the Aroostook Agency on Aging a $3,200 grant to help support the Money Manager service offered by the agency.

The money will be used to help pay for the support cost such as mileage reimbursement for volunteers that assist older people through the service. Carol Fitzherbert, program coordinator, has a network of volunteers that help older people of limited income who are at risk of loss of their independence because they can no longer manage their financial affairs and don’t have family or friends that can help. “The volunteers work one-on one with the person I assign them and help with budgeting, bill paying and sometimes even get involved in stopping financial exploitation”, says Fitzherbert. The program is a partnership with the AARP Foundation that helps with training volunteers and provides bonding insurance coverage for the volunteers. Richard Engels, immediate past chairman of the Aroostook County Fund of the Maine Community Foundation, presents a check from the fund to Steve Farnham, executive director of the Aroostook Agency on Aging.

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