Pamela Buck joins NMCC faculty

16 years ago



Pamela Buck

PRESQUE ISLE – Northern Maine Community College opened its doors for the college’s 46th academic year Monday, Aug. 25. In addition to greeting new and returning students to campus, the College community welcomed Pamela Buck of Mapleton, a new full-time faculty member in the trade and technical occupations department.     Buck is the lead instructor for the College’s computer-aided drafting program, taking on the role left vacant when veteran instructor Roger Crouse retired last spring after 30 years of service at the College.
    “While it is always a challenge to fill the shoes of such an accomplished and experienced instructor as Roger, I believe that Pam Buck is the right person to help us meet that challenge,” said Alan Punches, NMCC vice president/academic dean. “With her industry and teaching experience, she brings numerous strengths to the position. She is an exciting addition to our faculty, and I look forward to working with her in the years to come.”
    Buck has 20 years of experience in residential and commercial architectural and engineering design and drafting. A licensed professional civil engineer with a background in structural design and a Certified Construction Specifier, Buck’s background includes projects ranging from planning and design of building expansions, renovations and new developments to construction administration and inspection.
    Buck is the president and project manager of Buck Engineering, Inc., an engineering consulting business she began in 2002. Over the past five years, Buck Engineering has been responsible for many engineering projects in Aroostook County. Buck is responsible for all engineering design, drafting, construction specifications and inspection, as well as the administrative duties necessary to successfully operate a small business.
    Prior to opening Buck Engineering, Buck was vice president and project manager for Langille Aroostook Engineering Group for more than four years. She also gained valuable experience with her 10-year tenure at Aroostook Engineers, Inc., first as an engineering technician and working her way up to project manager.
    In addition to her breadth of professional experience, Buck has also taught in a part-time capacity at NMCC for the past three years, teaching classes such as architectural drafting, surveying and technical math.
    “I have really enjoyed my time in the classroom, and I am looking forward to being here full-time,” said Buck. “Being in a classroom, sharing knowledge with students, watching them learn … it’s an incredible experience.”
    Buck earned her associate degree in applied science in architectural engineering technology from Vermont Technical College in 1982. She went on to earn a bachelor of university of studies from the University of Maine in 2008.
    “I started my education in a two-year program, too, so I know that these students have a lot to learn and a short time to learn it. I really like being a part of the process of making that happen for them,” she said. “I believe in this College, and I believe in the trade tech department. I think this is a good place to be, and it’s a good time to be here.”