Charlotte Wilson from the University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Presque Isle was presented with a plaque from the Aroostook Family Investment Center at a recent meeting. The plaque was given for her outstanding service from 2005 until 2008 to the residents of Fort Fairfield Public Housing.

Wilson taught nutrition lessons and shared many tasty recipes and suggestions for healthy meals with the attendees of her monthly classes. The residents in attendance enjoyed a fun social time as well as a balanced meal. Wilson went above and beyond in her presentations and took a personal interest in each person.
The programs were sponsored by the Aroostook Family Investment Center, located in Caribou, as part of the grant they were administering for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The programs will be continuing under a new Elderly/Adults with Disabilities Grant also administered by AFIC.
There are plans under way to expand the programs into the Presque Isle and Van Buren.