Special to the Star-Herald
Her name is “Little Bit.” She is the dog that was found abandoned past Cross Lake. She is safe and sound, still a bit scared and leary of strangers but after all she has been through, it is to be expected. With people she knows, she is very friendly, so a kind, patient owner will be a must for her. She is still being evaluated and worked with every day. As you can see from her picture, she loves Crystal. Let’s hope we find just the right home for her.
Unfortunately, our little shelter is full to the brim with wonderful animals. It is sad to see kittens born at the shelter spend their whole kitten-hood there. It takes a responsible community to stop pet overpopulation; it takes education that starts at an early age. That is why we offer free-of-charge tours and presentations; you can come to us or we can come to you. It gives us a chance to explain who we are and what we do.
One commonly asked question is “how long do you keep the animals.” We have no set time limit. As long as the animals are healthy and of good temperament, they stay until they find a forever home. We don’t set a time limit; sometimes it takes a while to find the perfect match.
I recently was asked to speak to a PROBUS group at NMCC; of course, I flew in there on two wheels as usual, but it was a real treat to meet these people and share with them who I am and what the shelter is and does. They were genuinely interested and asked lots of good questions. I love being able to speak to different groups; it gives me a chance to “set the record straight” as far as what the shelter is all about and gives people a better understanding of what our group does. This was a wonderful opportunity for me and for the shelter. We both appreciated it. If your group would like to learn more, please contact the shelter at 764-3441 and we will have a speaker come to your group!
Can you feel that chill? Fall is upon us and winter on the way. If you know someone who has “outside dogs,” remind them that they need warm bedding. Straw is the best insulator, so find clean, dry straw to keep those outside dogs warm in their houses this winter; don’t wait until the last minute.
If you are looking for a Friend for Life, please visit the Central Aroostook Humane Society or give us a call at 764-3441.
Please have your pets spayed or neutered.
Photo courtesy of Christine Robinson
This is Little Bit with Kennel Tech Crystal. After being left at a rest area near Cross Lake, she is now trying to learn to trust again.