11 a.m. Washburn Road — Motor Vehicle Complaint — Caller reported a trailer truck driving erratically on the Washburn Road
Action — Officer located subject vehicle at a local business; operator stated he was from New York and was looking for the address of the business not concentrating on his driving. 4:45 p.m. Hardison Avenue — Assault/Domestic Violence — A male individual came into the police station advising he had been assaulted by a male subject.
Action — Officer transported male to the Cary Medical Center for treatment and photograph of injuries. Subject was arrested for domestic assault.
9:28 p.m. Bennett Drive — Theft — Female caller reported when returning to her residence after being away for awhile, she discovered several items of clothing missing from her closet. Caller advised of a male subject being in another apartment prior to her leaving; she believed he might have been involved. Door to residence was locked when she left and when she returned.
Action — There were no signs of forced entry; officer will attempt to locate and speak to the male subject.
11:54 a.m. Bennett Drive — Check on Well-being — Caller advised police of observing a young female subject walking on the sidewalk by a local restaurant appearing to be intoxicated. Caller was afraid subject might walk into the traffic.
Action — Officer located subject who was very intoxicated and spoke to her of the concerns for her safety. Subject informed officer she was going to get something to eat and then go home. She said she would stay out of the road.
1:33 p.m. Fort Street — Theft — Female Caller reported she was contacted by someone who said they represented the Readers Digest and they requested she send a $220 money order to them. Caller informed police she had sent no money but was concerned that information about herself as well as her family had been obtained. Caller said she had cancelled all credit information and had lost nothing at that time.
9:15 p.m. Jefferson Street – 9-1-1 Hang-Up — State Police advised they had received two 9-1-1 hang-up calls from a specific number; they traced the call and determined it belonged to a Jefferson Street residence. Also informed Caribou Police they had tried calling back and did not get an answer.
Action — Officer spoke with both parents and determined it was on the children playing with the cell phone. Parents were advised that the cell phone still works even though there was no service to 9-1-1.
9:25 p.m. Sweden Street — 9-1-1 Hang-Up — Sate Police advised of receiving a 9-1-1 call from an address on Sweden Street. They called back and had spoken with a male individual who informed them of the kids must have been playing with the phone.
Action — Officer checked address and determined there had been an issue with a female subject who had been there, causing a commotion. Female had since left.
12:04 a.m. Fort Street — Prowler — Caller reported an unknown male had been on his porch stating he was looking for a male individual, then took off into the dark.
Action — Officers checked the area but were unable to locate anyone.
12:32 a.m. Skyway Plaza — Assault — A female caller requested officers come to a local business as a male subject had just assaulted a female.
Action — Officers were informed by female who was very intoxicated, there had been no assault. Witnesses weren’t sure if male subject pushed her or fell on her, knocking her over. Both were intoxicated well beyond the norm. Employees stated the two had not been served liquor at that location. Officers were also informed that male subject kept a stash in the pallets near that location. Officer checked, finding toilet paper with several prescription drugs wrapped up. Male subject repeatedly kept going out back, officers stayed until he left. One officer was setting up night vision equipment in location when male subject came around the corner, meeting officer face-to-face. Subject reported female had left, asking officer if he had seen her. Male subject left in a cab.
2:30 a.m. Collins Street — Disorderly conduct — A female reporting three people outside an apartment wanted to fight with her and were trying to break in her door.
Action — Call was result of female punching male subject several times in the face. Male refused to give a statement. Everyone left and went home.
7:45 p.m. Hillcrest Avenue — Liquor Laws — Police received information regarding a male who was very intoxicated, lying in the middle of Hillcrest Avenue, holding a dog. The owner of the dog had exchanged words with him.
Action — Officer located subject who was very intoxicated. Subject had been served at a local business.
The business was issued a warning for over serving; when officer spoke with an employee there he was informed they (the business) determine if someone is intoxicated by watching them walk to the bathroom.
10:25 p.m. South Main Street — Disorderly Conduct — Caller stated being stopped on South Main Street where someone had put a bunch of tree limbs all across the road and also noted damage done to a street sign.
Action — Police removed brush from the road but there was too much to be hauled away in cruiser. Dayshift would inform the Public Works so brush could be picked up in the morning. Several subjects were seen in the area. The area was checked again at 11:25 p.m. and debris had been put back in the road. It was removed a second time.
2:30 a.m. Sincock Street — Disorderly Conduct — Caller stated he was awakened by someone knocking on his door within the past hour, upon answering the door he found no one there and it had happened a second time, this time when he opened the door an individual took off running toward the bridge.
Action — Officer was unable to locate anyone in the area.
10:17 p.m. South Main Street — Burglary of Motor Vehicle — Caller advised hearing a noise and upon checking outside, he saw someone inside a vehicle parked at a local business. Caller stated when subject(s) heard him, they slammed the vehicle door and fled.
Action — Officer checked the area finding no one around. Business owner would be advised.
12:25 a.m. Cary Medical Center — Bail Violation — Caller informed police that a male subject was either at or on his way to Cary Medical Center from Van Buren with a female. The concern was there is a bail condition in effect prohibiting subject from having contact with the female.
Action — Police brought in subject for violating his bail through contact with the victim and consuming alcohol.
4:27 p.m. Bennett Drive — Theft — An employee from a local business advised they were detaining a shoplifter and requested an officer’s presence.
Action — A male subject had been caught attempting to leave the business with beef jerky (valued at $6.99) that he had stuffed down the front of his pants. Business requested subject be charged. Subject was charged.
8:31 p.m. Woodland Road — Domestic Violence — Caller advised police her boyfriend was there doing property damage.
Action — Subject had an active warrant from 2005. Police learned subject had pushed female, threatened her with some knives. Subject was charged with domestic assault, domestic criminal threatening with a weapon and obstructing the report of a crime.