Accident sends four to local hospital

16 years ago
By Kathy McCarty  
Staff Writer

    PORTAGE LAKE – An accident on Route 11 Monday morning resulted in four individuals being transported to The Aroostook Medical Center with non-life threatening injuries.     Rodrigue Morneault, 68, of Biddeford, was southbound on Route 11 in Nashville Plantation Sept. 1 when he came upon a curve in the road. Unable to negotiate the curve, Morneault’s vehicle left the road, traveled about 400 feet through the grass before striking a culvert.
    Sgt. Forrest Dudley, of the Aroostook County Sheriff’s Office, responded to investigate.
    Dudley reported that Morneault and his three passengers, all of whom were wearing seatbelts, were transported by Ashland Ambulance Service to TAMC in Presque Isle. The passengers were identified as Pierrette Morneault, Alma Labranche and Gilberta Pelletier – no ages or town of residence were available. The driver and Labranche were treated and later released, according to a TAMC official. No word was available on the condition of Pierrette Morneault or Pelletier.
    Morneault’s vehicle sustained about $5,000 in damage.