Ashland Main Street business supplies auto care services and more

16 years ago

    Is your car, pickup or van in need of a tune-up? If so, you should stop by Hingey Auto Care located at 54 Main St. in Ashland. In addition to repair, Hingey’s offers vehicle cleaning (inside and out), tire sales, spin balancing, and motorcycle detailing. 

The business is licensed to perform state of Maine inspections and provides various UHAUL rental services and items including: trucks, trailers, dollies and blankets. The frame-mounted hitches needed for towing the UHAUL trailers can also be installed on site. And, if you are looking for a place to dispose of your clean waste oil, Hingey’s is currently accepting that, as well.
    Originally from Oxford Hills, Keith Hingey says he decided to locate in Ashland because of the small town atmosphere and friendly people in the area. His business hours are Monday through Friday 7 a.m.-6 p.m. and most Saturdays from 7 a.m.-noon. Please call ahead if possible for Saturday service – 435-6411.
Dyslexia walk scheduled
    The 32nd Degree Masonic Learning Center for Dyslexic Children will be having a walkathon Sunday, Sept. 7 in Presque Isle. All money raised will go to benefit children with dyslexia. For more information on how you can participate or sponsor a walker, please call Bob Sawyer at 435-6931.
Portage Lake cookbooks for sale
    The Portage Lake Centennial Cookbook Committee has collected the best recipes from group members, family and friends, and compiled them into an attractive keepsake cookbook. They will begin selling their one-of-a-kind cookbooks Aug. 26 for $12. They may be purchased from any member of the organization or at the Portage Town Hall. All proceeds will go to the Portage Centennial Celebration. The cookbook contains 390 well-loved recipes including appetizers, main dishes, desserts and many others. Recipes include the contributor’s name, enabling you to find the recipes of family and friends. For more information, contact Lou Sandy Boutot, P.O. Box 4, Portage Lake, Maine 04768 or call (207) 435-6016.
Committee creating Portage Lake Centennial History Book
    The Portage Lake Centennial History Book Committee has been working on compiling the history of Portage Lake in order for it to be published in time for the 2009 Centennial. The book will be titled, “Portage Lake History and Hearsay.”
    The committee has been divided into work groups that are concentrating on compiling material from the various decades. Many people have been associated with Portage Lake over the years, and the committee would like to have people contact them with historical articles, family history, photographs and any other materials to be considered for inclusion in the Centennial book.
    The committee would also like to have a preliminary count of possible book orders in order to assist them in knowing how many copies need to be printed. It is felt that this will be a one-time printing and hopefully the response from the public will assist them in determining a sufficient number to print.
    Articles, photographs and related material should be sent to history book chairperson, Norman St. Peter, P.O. Box 37, Portage, Maine 04768. Norman can also be reached at (207) 435-6948. Please be sure to label photographs, and to include your name and address with any correspondence so that materials can be properly returned.
    Requests for book orders should be made to Anita Theriault, P.O. Box 37, Portage, Maine 04768. Anita can be reached by calling (207) 435-4311.
    Any other inquiries in regards to the Portage Lake Centennial History Book should be directed to the Portage Lake Town Office at (207) 435-4361.
Ongoing Events
    The Ashland Area Senior Citizens group meets every Thursday at noon at the Aroostook River Fish and Game Club. Any senior citizens wishing to participate in the potluck lunches and meetings are always welcome.
    The Portage Lake Seniors’ Lunch is held on the last Tuesday of every month at 11 a.m. at the Town Hall. All seniors are invited to attend and can bring a potluck dish to share or give a cash donation. For more information, contact Wilza Robertson at 435-6211 or Grace Nason at 435-6373.
    The Red Hat Loonies of Portage Lake meet the second Thursday of every month at Dean’s Motor Lodge. Membership dues are $2. Come and have a great meal and a great time, too! For more information, contact Rachel Stevens at 435-6358.
    If you can help plan for Portage Lake’s Centennial Celebration, please contact Barb Pitcairn at 435-2368 or Grace Nason at 435-6373.
    Ladies, are you interested in crafts or have some that you’ve started and just can’t seem to finish? If so, take yourself over to the Portage Lake Municipal Building for Girlz Night every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Enjoy the company and the satisfaction of finally completing a project!
    (Julie Graham-Berry is the correspondent for Ashland, Portage Lake, Oxbow, Masardis, Garfield, Nashville Plantation and surrounding townships. She can be reached at 435-7137).


ImagePhoto courtesy of Julie Graham-Berry
    KEITH HINGEY, owner of Hingey Auto Care, opened his new business this past spring. Located at the corner of Oak and Main streets in Ashland, Hingey can meet your auto, motorcycle and moving needs.