The Haystack Historical Society will hold its annual Fall Supper/Auction Saturday, Sept. 6 at the Museum on Main Street in Mapleton. The supper menu will be baked beans, ham and potato salad with gingerbread and cream for dessert.
Supper is from 4:30-6 p.m. and the auction starts at 6 p.m. with Ron Leonard as the auctioneer. Come enjoy the evening with your friends.
Mapleton United Baptist Church
The Mapleton United Baptist Church announces the formation of a children’s choir. Under the leadership of Mary Trainer, the choir will perform the Christian musical “Pirates of the ‘I Don’t Care’-ibbean.” Weekly rehearsals will begin Thursday, Sept. 4 from 3-4:30 p.m. The performance will be Sunday, Dec. 14. The choir is open to all school age children who attended Mapleton Baptist plus community children in grades 1-6. For further information, please call Tania Baldwin at 764-6595.
Birthday wishes go out to Karson Eaton, Jessica Putnam, Lynn Boucher, Christa Galipeau, Bertha Skidgel, Mike Chasse, Bonnie Steeves, Valerie Grendell, Theresa Hoffses, Brittany Warner, Camdyn Putman, Eric York, Isaac Estey, Rachel Boulier, Tim Lafland, Logan Johnson and Gloria Clair.
Anniversary wishes go out to Tony and Lynn Boucher, Lee and Carly St. Peter, Ed and Laurie Christie, and Kevin and Jeana Carter.
Castle Hill Grange Hall Preservation Society
The Castle Hill Grange Hall Preservation Society will have a pie and ice cream social in September with music and door prizes. The date and time will be decided at their next meeting. They are also thinking of having karaoke later this summer along with a food sale. All their fund-raisers just keep the hall operating. They would like you to please give them an hour of your time once a month to help keep the building operating. The fund-raisers they have are just paying their expenses and leave them with little else to do their projects. If you have enjoyed voting, going to town meetings, their suppers, having a reasonable hall to rent right in your own town, and other events, please consider helping to keep their organization going for future years. Dues for a working member are $10 per year, or $15 for non-working member, or $100 for a lifetime membership. Their meetings are the fourth Tuesday of the month from February through November. They are now renting the hall from May through October for showers, reunions, and birthday parties. Please see any member for details.
They are requesting that anyone who has knowledge of a veteran who served in the military between 1903 to the present to write or call Natalie Maynard, 2877 State Road, Castle Hill, Maine 04757 or 764-4878. They need names, dates, and any information you can give them so they can place the names on a sign or in a book in the future. The person must have been a resident of Castle Hill at the time of service.
Mapleton United Methodist Church
The United Methodist Church luncheon will be held Friday, Sept. 5 at 11:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome to come. Hope to see you there.
Cubs, Pack 170 – Any questions on joining, please contact Adam Rider at 764-6897 or Mike Eaton at 764-3762.
Boys, Troop 170 – The boys from Scout Troop 170 are collecting donations of bottles and cans. Call Peter Starr at 764-8189 to make arrangements for a pick-up. As always, the boys appreciate all your support, which makes all their yearly activities possible.
If you have any questions on joining, call Peter Starr at 764-8189. They hold their weekly meeting Thursdays at 6:30 p.m.
Mapleton Chapman Castle Hill Senior Citizens
The Mapleton Chapman Castle Hill Senior Citizens meets every Monday – except the fifth Monday – at Mapletree Estates. All are welcome.
Bonnie Landry is the correspondent for Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman. She can be reached at 764-4860, or by e-mail at